mshumer / gpt-author

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Chunking #24

Open ipropheti opened 10 months ago

ipropheti commented 10 months ago

I was looking at forking this and implementing Chunking as most of us don't have access to the GPT-4-32K option as they stopped offering it weeks ago. Updating to include some sort of chunking would def help. Thoughts?

def make_openai_request(prompt, tokens=500):
    model = "gpt-4"  # Update this to the correct GPT-4 model identifier since we can't use 32k...
    error_retry_count = 0

    while error_retry_count < 3:
            print(f"Making API request for prompt: {prompt[:50]}...")

            # Chunk the prompt into smaller pieces
            chunk_size = 500  # Adjust as needed to stay within token limit
            responses = []

            for start in range(0, len(prompt), chunk_size):
                end = start + chunk_size
                response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
                        "role": "system",
                        "content": "You are a helpful assistant."
                    }, {
                        "role": "user",
                        "content": prompt[start:end]

            # Combine responses from all chunks
            combined_response = ""
            for response in responses:
                if response and response['choices']:
                    combined_response += response['choices'][0]['message']['content'].strip()
                    print("API response empty. Retrying...")
                    error_retry_count += 1

            if combined_response:
                print(f"API request successful for prompt: {prompt[:50]}")
                return combined_response

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"An error occurred during the API call: {e}")
            error_retry_count += 1
            time.sleep(2)  # Wait before retrying

    print("Failed to get a successful API response after 3 tries.")
    return None