mshumer / gpt-author

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InvalidRequestError: The model `gpt-4-32k` #25

Open zimba7768 opened 10 months ago

zimba7768 commented 10 months ago

I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this; if not, I apologize in advance. I like trying out different AI tools, and currently, I am experimenting with GPT_Author. I have followed all the steps and read as much material as I can find, but I still can't get it to work. I have paid for GPT-4 and for the GPT API. When I run GPT Author, I see the step cost for each section, but in the end, I encounter an error. I am not a programmer, so this is very confusing.

InvalidRequestError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell 7 line 5

3 num_chapters = 15

4 writing_style = "Clear and easily understandable, similar to a young adult novel. Lots of dialogue." ---->

5 novel, title, chapters, chapter_titles = write_fantasy_novel(prompt, num_chapters, writing_style, claude_true)

7 # Replace chapter descriptions with body text in chapter_titles

8 for i, chapter in enumerate(chapters):

Cell 7 line 2

266 chapter_titles = ast.literal_eval(storyline)

269 novel = f"Storyline:\n{storyline}\n\n" -->

271 first_chapter = write_first_chapter(storyline, chapter_titles[0], writing_style.strip(), claude_true) 272 print('first chapter written')

273 novel += f"Chapter 1:\n{first_chapter}\n"

Cell 7 line 1

135 response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(

136 model="gpt-4",

137 messages=[ (...)

140 ]

141 )

143 print_step_costs(response, "gpt-4") -->

145 improved_response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(


766 rbody, rcode,, rheaders, stream_error=stream_error

767 )

768 return resp InvalidRequestError: The model gpt-4-32k does not exist or you do not have access to it. Learn more:

elphin commented 10 months ago

I get the same error: InvalidRequestError: The model gpt-4 does not exist or you do not have access to it.

I have a paid openai subscription with an newly generated API key. Didn't work. Tried it with again a new api key but still get this error.

I have other applications that succesfully use my openai key so that can hardly be the problem.


StoneyPhenix commented 10 months ago

Replace all 'gpt-4-32k' with 'gpt-4' . The 32k is only available to a very small trial group and currently only being given out to the azure clients.

elphin commented 10 months ago

Did just that; replaced every instance but I get the same error... Any other suggestion?

zimba7768 commented 10 months ago

Thank you for replying back to this post. I also did the same suggestion with replacing all the "gpt-4-32K" with "gpt-4". I now got a different error.

KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) c:\Users\test\gpt-author\gpt_author_v2_1.ipynb Cell 7 line 5 3 num_chapters = 15 4 writing_style = "Clear and easily understandable, similar to a young adult novel. Lots of dialogue." ----> 5 novel, title, chapters, chapter_titles = write_fantasy_novel(prompt, num_chapters, writing_style, claude_true) 7 # Replace chapter descriptions with body text in chapter_titles 8 for i, chapter in enumerate(chapters):

c:\Users\test\gpt-author\gpt_author_v2_1.ipynb Cell 7 line 2 276 for i in range(num_chapters - 1): 277 print(f"Writing chapter {i+2}...") # + 2 because the first chapter was already added --> 279 chapter = write_chapter(novel, storyline, chapter_titles[i+1]) 280 try: 281 if len(str(chapter)) < 100:

c:\Users\test\gpt-author\gpt_author_v2_1.ipynb Cell 7 line 1 170 data = { 171 "model": "claude-2", 172 "prompt": prompt, 173 "max_tokens_to_sample": 5000, 174 } 176 response =, headers=headers, json=data) --> 178 print_step_costs_anthropic(prompt, response.json()['completion']) 180 return 'Chapter ' + response.json()['completion'].strip().split('```')[0].strip() 181 else:

KeyError: 'completion'

StoneyPhenix commented 10 months ago

That error is happing on anthropic call and I am running without anthropic so I don't know exactly. I would recommended printing out response.json() before trying to extract completion. to see if anthropic is returning an error.

fuleinist commented 10 months ago

I replaced gpt-4-32k with GPT-3.5-Turbo-16k and so far so good

zimba7768 commented 9 months ago

I tried to replace gpt-4-32k with GPT-3.5-Turbo-16k and I get this error now. I am sure I am missing something.

InvalidRequestError: The model GPT-3.5-Turbo-16k does not exist

fuleinist commented 9 months ago

I tried to replace gpt-4-32k with GPT-3.5-Turbo-16k and I get this error now. I am sure I am missing something.

InvalidRequestError: The model GPT-3.5-Turbo-16k does not exist

can you paste/screenshot the full error code please?

zimba7768 commented 9 months ago

Screenshot 2023-10-08 051943

This is what I am getting for an error.

fuleinist commented 9 months ago

Screenshot 2023-10-08 051943

This is what I am getting for an error.

can you try "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k" instead of "gpt-3.5-Turbo-16k"?

simulanics commented 9 months ago

You need to use lowercase "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k" - it's case sensitive. Also, In order to access GPT-4, if your PAID (card linked to API billing**) account was created before August 2023, you must spend and have been billed at least $1.00 total in any given month to have been given access to GPT-4 APIs. After August, $0.50. Hope that helps!

zimba7768 commented 9 months ago

I did use lowercase and still getting this error.

Step Cost (OpenAI): 0.1167 generated plots Step Cost (OpenAI): 0.16626000000000002 selected best plot Step Cost (OpenAI): 0.12078 plot improved Step Cost (OpenAI): 0.03702 title generated Generating storyline with chapters and high-level details... Step Cost (OpenAI): 0.12096 Step Cost (OpenAI): 0.17178 storyline generated Step Cost (OpenAI): 0.14802 Step Cost (OpenAI): 0.14802 first chapter written Writing chapter 2...

KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) c:\Users\zimba\gpt-author\gpt_author_v2_1.ipynb Cell 7 line 5 3 num_chapters = 15 4 writing_style = "Clear and easily understandable, similar to a young adult novel. Lots of dialogue." ----> 5 novel, title, chapters, chapter_titles = write_fantasy_novel(prompt, num_chapters, writing_style, claude_true) 7 # Replace chapter descriptions with body text in chapter_titles 8 for i, chapter in enumerate(chapters):

c:\Users\zimba\gpt-author\gpt_author_v2_1.ipynb Cell 7 line 2 276 for i in range(num_chapters - 1): 277 print(f"Writing chapter {i+2}...") # + 2 because the first chapter was already added --> 279 chapter = write_chapter(novel, storyline, chapter_titles[i+1]) 280 try: 281 if len(str(chapter)) < 100:

c:\Users\zimba\gpt-author\gpt_author_v2_1.ipynb Cell 7 line 1 170 data = { 171 "model": "claude-2", 172 "prompt": prompt, 173 "max_tokens_to_sample": 5000, 174 } 176 response =, headers=headers, json=data) --> 178 print_step_costs_anthropic(prompt, response.json()['completion']) 180 return 'Chapter ' + response.json()['completion'].strip().split('```')[0].strip() 181 else: