msikma / pokesprite

Database project of box and inventory sprites from the Pokémon core series games
MIT License
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Gen 8 changed shiny Combusken's colors #104

Closed Lusamine closed 3 years ago

Lusamine commented 3 years ago

The gen 8 Combusken model was changed to be much more noticeably red than in previous generations.


Blaziken may have also been slightly tweaked, but the difference is much more subtle if so.

msikma commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the report. I've made a new version. I think Blaziken is still OK, judging by the Serebii image.

Here's the new version, do you think this is better?

combusken combusken

msikma commented 3 years ago

Merged the new version, so I'm closing this.