msikma / pokesprite

Database project of box and inventory sprites from the Pokémon core series games
MIT License
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Sprite Inconsistency / Missing Sprites #63

Closed sora10pls closed 4 years ago

sora10pls commented 4 years ago

Case 1: Hitmonlee

Hitmonlee had its sprite updated in SWSH, it does not use the same sprite as the one present in LGPE. Its Shiny sprite should be updated to reflect the sprite change for consistency.

Normal (SWSH sprite): normal Shiny (based on LGPE sprite): shiny

Case 2: Stonjourner

Stonjourner is missing a Shiny sprite entirely. Both sprites present in the project match the vanilla sprite found in SWSH.

msikma commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting. I actually noticed the difference for Hitmonlee and copied the LPGE sprite onto the SWSH sprite and modified it a little, but I messed up when doing that.

For Stonjourner, I messed up embarrassingly. I made its shiny sprite, but I always keep a non-shiny layer in the PSD file for reference, and I accidentally had that layer enabled when I saved its png file. Here's the shiny sprite, I'll add it to the project:

poke_icon_0974_00s_na poke_icon_0974_00s_n

edit: new Hitmonlee:

hitmonlee poke_icon_0106_00m_n_new

msikma commented 4 years ago

Merged! Thanks again, let me know if you find anything else that's not right.