msikma / pokesprite

Database project of box and inventory sprites from the Pokémon core series games
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Shiny changes as of Pokémon Home #73

Closed msikma closed 4 years ago

msikma commented 4 years ago

Apparently, as of Pokémon Home, the following shiny Pokémon changed designs:

I'm not sure if this is a full list. Anybody know of other changes besides these?

For Minior and Magearna, I think we should make a copy of their current shiny sprites and name them "gen7" (or maybe "original"?) so that we can keep the images around, and then add the new versions. PP doesn't seem to have all Minior images yet, though, so we might need more screenshots.

Thanks to Wordeur for alerting me to this by email.

msikma commented 4 years ago


801 Magearna
774 Minior (Red)
774 Minior (Orange)
774 Minior (Yellow)
774 Minior (Green)
774 Minior (Blue)
774 Minior (Indigo)
774 Minior (Violet)
351 Castform (Rainy)
351 Castform (Sunny)
351 Castform (Snowy)
WordeurFTB commented 4 years ago

I think the pictures of Pokémon HOME shows differences on Marshadow. poke_capture_0802_000_uk_n_00000000_f_n poke_capture_0802_000_uk_n_00000000_f_r The shiny version is slightly lighter : skin (or fur ?) and the shadows are made of a lighter gray and the eyes are made of a lighter orange. When the respective icons from this project shows difference in the strand of hair : marshadow marshadow (1) Unfortunately I didn't found the "z-move mode" graphics of HOME (if they even exist) but in the 3DS games they showed a more blatant difference : Shiny_Marshadow_Comparison

Sources :

msikma commented 4 years ago

Hi all. It's been a while.

I've not yet made any change to Marshadow yet but I've got a first version of the new sprites:

Name Regular New shiny Old shiny
Minior blue
Minior green
Minior indigo
Minior orange
Minior red
Minior violet
Minior yellow
Castform rainy
Castform sunny
Castform snowy

Any thoughts appreciated, do they look good enough in comparison to the examples?

edit: added Marshadow

edit: replaced dev branch with master

msikma commented 4 years ago

I just wanted to add, the Minior ones look just a little bit off from the Home images. But I think this is better because this way they're closer to the non-shiny sprites. A lot of sprites are actually just a tiny bit different from the model because the colors tend to be much more saturated and sometimes tiny details are left out due to the size (like the "sprinkles" on Minior).

msikma commented 4 years ago

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