msimet / Stile

Stile: the Systematics Tests In Lensing pipeline
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Outputs for displayQA #43

Closed HironaoMiyatake closed 8 years ago

HironaoMiyatake commented 9 years ago

As we have discussed before, we decided to use displayQA for showing a bunch of systematics plots. I am thinking about what is needed for this. Here is the list. Currently I restrict myself to tests for each field (not for coadd).

  1. A Visit-level plot for a summary plot (a left large figure on the displayQA webpage): This can be obtained by running
  2. CCD-level plots: This can be obtained by running However, we have to run Stile for each CCD which duplicates the time for reading data given that we run as well. This can be avoided by adding an option to run CCD-level tests as well to
  3. Statistics for each CCD: We want mean/median and scatter for making table under the summary plot and the bad CCD indicator on the right of the displayQA webpage. StatSysTest could do that, but we have to add the functionality to write down the results to file.

I think 3 is urgent for the displayQA work. For 2, it is not obvious. This feature to can be duplicate as we already have Anyway, please let me know what you think.

rmandelb commented 9 years ago

I think 3 seems like the most urgent. For 2, I like the idea of adding that option to

msimet commented 9 years ago

I can work on 3, but FYI it's going to require some code refactoring so it might take a little time.

rmandelb commented 9 years ago

We should perhaps compare this in priority to other ongoing Stile work. Do you want to chat about this when we meet tomorrow?

msimet commented 9 years ago

Yep, sounds good.

HironaoMiyatake commented 9 years ago

I thought about 3 a little bit more. Suppose we need whisker plots, scatter plots, and some correlation functions.

3-1. For whisker plots, the code does not calculate statistics internally, so we need to calculate those by using StatSysTest. 3-2. For scatter plots, actually the code calculates median and scatter inside, so we could add an option to write down those numbers to ScatterPlotSysTest. However, this functionality to calculate statistics duplicates with StatSysTest, so it might be cleaner to call some methods inside StatSysTest, but we could leave this for a future work. 3-3. For correlation functions, it might be nice to write down the correlation function itself calculate by TreeCree into a file to make use of Rachel's requirement which is defined by a correlation function at 10'.

So, we might need three separate works. I am happy to work on 3-1 and 3-2. For 3-3, I need Melanie's help. Anyway, I know we should put priority with other ongoing works. Please discuss it tomorrow, and please let me know.

msimet commented 9 years ago

Er, sorry, I meant 2! Getting to do CCD-level stuff while collecting the data for Visit-level stuff.

3-3 is easy--the data is in an array returned by the SysTest, the stuff that's sent to the .plot() method. And we have table-writing methods already, that's file_io.WriteTable (or file_io.WriteASCIITable so it doesn't use FITS). We should maybe add a line to WriteASCIITable to output a header line with column descriptions, but that too is pretty easy. So if you want to start a branch for this, Hironao, I can do 3-3 quickly tomorrow, and then think about 2 with Rachel in our meeting.

HironaoMiyatake commented 9 years ago

Great! Please work on 3-3. I'll work on 3-1 and 3-2 this week. Once we have 3, I can start writing the displayQA codes.

HironaoMiyatake commented 9 years ago

I tried to look into 3-1. It seems that it is linked to #32. Currently there is only one 'sys_tests' which uses StatSysTest in the configurable list of sys_tests. Do we want to work on #32 first?

Meanwhile, I'll work on 3-2.

msimet commented 9 years ago

If all you want is statistics of quantities you're using in the whisker plot, you can use a Stile StatSysTest directly, without an Adapter wrapper. The Adapter versions are just so the driver knows which columns and masks to use. Since we already have the arrays, you don't need it.

HironaoMiyatake commented 9 years ago

Okay, I'll call StatSysTest inside of WhiskerPlotSysTest.

HironaoMiyatake commented 9 years ago

I'll merge #39 to this, as I want to work with the faster code.

HironaoMiyatake commented 9 years ago

@msimet I added rho1 statistics (StarPSFResidXStarPSFResidShear). I might not have done this because I am not a person who wrote the correlation function classes... Can you just take a look?

msimet commented 9 years ago

Hi Hironao,

Just left a comment on the code (formatting updated on GitHub). You could also just name it Rho1 if you like, since that's shorter and most people will know what it means (we can document it).