msimms / OpenWorkoutWeb

Fitness tracking website and companion to the mobile app of the same name. Has cherrypy and flask front ends, with wsgi support. Implements live tracking. Serves as platform for analytics and automated workout plan generation. An example instantiation is at
9 stars 3 forks source link

Map Overlays for Zwift Activities (or any similar service, for that matter) #28

Open msimms opened 4 years ago

msimms commented 4 years ago

Example: Overlay Watopia on top of the map for Zwift activities. Zwift's Watopia world is mapped over the Solomon Islands, but goes off into the water, etc.

msimms commented 2 years ago

Partially implemented. Added the code that changes which HTML template is loaded and wrote some very poor code for adding an overlay to an image (intention is for the image to be a Zwift world map).