msimms / OpenWorkoutWeb

Fitness tracking website and companion to the mobile app of the same name. Has cherrypy and flask front ends, with wsgi support. Implements live tracking. Serves as platform for analytics and automated workout plan generation. An example instantiation is at
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Automated Workout Plan Generation #3

Open msimms opened 5 years ago

msimms commented 5 years ago

Based on recent athletic performances and a user-specified goal, generate a workout plan that can be downloaded in blocks of either 3 or 4 weeks and imported into any software that accepts .wko files.

msimms commented 4 years ago

First pass at this just focuses on running and uses hard-coded logic. Intend to investigate decision trees, and then, possibly an ML-bases version.

msimms commented 2 years ago

As previously stated, I intended to develop (at least) two versions of this feature: a hard-coded expert system as well as an ML-based system. The expert system currently needs to understand pre-race tapers as well as block periodization.