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Q: How to query the version? #8

Open HenrikBengtsson opened 1 year ago

HenrikBengtsson commented 1 year ago

Given the snp-pileup executable, how can I find what version it is?

$ snp-pileup --version
snp-pileup: unrecognized option '--version'
Try `snp-pileup --help' or `snp-pileup --usage' for more information.

Neither --usage nor --help reports on the version:

$ snp-pileup --usage
Usage: snp-pileup [-Agpvx?] [-d DEPTH] [-P MULTIPLE] [-q QUALITY] [-Q QUALITY]
            [-r READS] [--count-orphans] [--max-depth=DEPTH] [--gzip]
            [--progress] [--pseudo-snps=MULTIPLE] [--min-map-quality=QUALITY]
            [--min-base-quality=QUALITY] [--min-read-counts=READS] [--verbose]
            [--ignore-overlaps] [--help] [--usage]
            <vcf file> <output file> <sequence files...>

$ snp-pileup --help
Usage: snp-pileup [OPTION...] <vcf file> <output file> <sequence files...>

  -A, --count-orphans        Do not discard anomalous read pairs.
  -d, --max-depth=DEPTH      Sets the maximum depth. Default is 4000.
  -g, --gzip                 Compresses the output file with BGZF.
  -p, --progress             Show a progress bar. WARNING: requires additional
                             time to calculate number of SNPs, and will take
                             longer than normal.
  -P, --pseudo-snps=MULTIPLE Every MULTIPLE positions, if there is no SNP,
                             insert a blank record with the total count at the
  -q, --min-map-quality=QUALITY   Sets the minimum threshold for mapping
                             quality. Default is 0.
  -Q, --min-base-quality=QUALITY   Sets the minimum threshold for base quality.
                             Default is 0.
  -r, --min-read-counts=READS   Comma separated list of minimum read counts for
                             a position to be output. Default is 0.
  -v, --verbose              Show detailed messages.
  -x, --ignore-overlaps      Disable read-pair overlap detection.
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.

Is there another way to find what version is installed?