Given the snp-pileup executable, how can I find what version it is?
$ snp-pileup --version
snp-pileup: unrecognized option '--version'
Try `snp-pileup --help' or `snp-pileup --usage' for more information.
Neither --usage nor --help reports on the version:
$ snp-pileup --usage
Usage: snp-pileup [-Agpvx?] [-d DEPTH] [-P MULTIPLE] [-q QUALITY] [-Q QUALITY]
[-r READS] [--count-orphans] [--max-depth=DEPTH] [--gzip]
[--progress] [--pseudo-snps=MULTIPLE] [--min-map-quality=QUALITY]
[--min-base-quality=QUALITY] [--min-read-counts=READS] [--verbose]
[--ignore-overlaps] [--help] [--usage]
<vcf file> <output file> <sequence files...>
$ snp-pileup --help
Usage: snp-pileup [OPTION...] <vcf file> <output file> <sequence files...>
-A, --count-orphans Do not discard anomalous read pairs.
-d, --max-depth=DEPTH Sets the maximum depth. Default is 4000.
-g, --gzip Compresses the output file with BGZF.
-p, --progress Show a progress bar. WARNING: requires additional
time to calculate number of SNPs, and will take
longer than normal.
-P, --pseudo-snps=MULTIPLE Every MULTIPLE positions, if there is no SNP,
insert a blank record with the total count at the
-q, --min-map-quality=QUALITY Sets the minimum threshold for mapping
quality. Default is 0.
-Q, --min-base-quality=QUALITY Sets the minimum threshold for base quality.
Default is 0.
-r, --min-read-counts=READS Comma separated list of minimum read counts for
a position to be output. Default is 0.
-v, --verbose Show detailed messages.
-x, --ignore-overlaps Disable read-pair overlap detection.
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.
Is there another way to find what version is installed?
Given the
executable, how can I find what version it is?Neither
reports on the version:Is there another way to find what version is installed?