mskg / homey-heating

Heating scheduler for Athom Homey
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 6 forks source link

Thermostat verbinden #187

Closed Rspart closed 1 year ago

Rspart commented 1 year ago

hi I can't connect a thermostat, what am I doing wrong? I always get the message that it hasn't found a thermostat....


mskg commented 1 year ago

You need a device that has the class thermostat. Can you verify if this is the case?

Rspart commented 1 year ago

You speak German?

Thanks for the quick answer, wow. I have installed several thermostats. But I cannot select any of them. I have normal Shelly for the heating on/off. Why can't I select them? Do I have to configure them accordingly?

mskg commented 1 year ago

Are you talking about Shelly TRVs or another kind of Shelly devices?

Rspart commented 1 year ago

I have four temperature sensors image

I would like to use the shelly 4pm for switching. But I am of the opinion that it is possible to switch on an actuator. I mean, I could just switch on a lamp instead of a heater...?

Rspart commented 1 year ago

Sensor 1 = SwitchBot Sensor 2 = Shelly H&T Sensor 3 = Philips Hue Sensor 4 = Shelly Wand-Display "Sensor 5" = API from Openweather

mskg commented 1 year ago

This app is for controlling thermostats based on schedules.

If you want something that combines temperature readings and a actuator to a virtual thermostat, you can use Also the native Shelly App has this functionality built in.

Afterwards, you could use this App to set temperatures conveniently.

Rspart commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry, I'm lost. I have to be able to read in a temperature, don't I? Where does it take the temperature from? Do you have a flow example?