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na.omit wiping out data.table #2

Closed tlesluyes closed 4 years ago

tlesluyes commented 4 years ago

Hi. I have an issue using the identify_germline function, where na.omit (dryclean.R#L310) destroys my entire data.table (0 lines = 0 samples). My understanding is that na.omit removes the entire line (corresponding to a sample) if it finds any NA value. But you do have NA values in there using WGS because of low-complexity regions, telomeres, centromeres, etc. Typically, my first positions correspond to chr1 telomere where I don't have any mapped read. Shouldn't it remove columns instead (corresponding to a genomic window where a single sample has a NA value? Aren't lines 310 and 311 inverted (transpose the data.table and then remove NA regions)?

asd1289 commented 4 years ago

Hello @tlesluyes. The order of 310 and 311 is correct. Each normal is read in and transposed in the mclapply loop. The purpose of na.omit is to remove NAs added by the tryCatch() in case a file is missing. This enables proceeding without completely breaking the loop if a file is missing or due to a bad file path. I agree that in WGS there are bins with missing values. But this will be dealt with when running dryclean on individual normal samples. Since the decomposition doesn't allow for missing values, we replace them with mean value for each chromosome. Consequently, the output of dryclean should have no NA bins. It is important that the identify_germline step is run on normal samples that have undergone decomposition (as is stated in the tutorial) and not on raw data. Hopefully this is helpful and please let me know if you have further problems/need clarification.

tlesluyes commented 4 years ago

Hi @asd1289, Thank you for clarifying this. I confirm that I used the identify_germine step on decomposed normal samples. From what you've said, I understand that the decomposition (start_wash_cycle) used on a normal sample (using PON) replaces NAs (from fragCounter) by the mean value of each chromosome. Can you confirm that (is it the mean or the median? There is no mean function in the code)? Can you have a look at dryclean.R lines 680 to 691 because what's NA remains NA here, there isn't any replacement of NA values by the median/mean.

Actually, the function works well until line 679 because I do have foreground.log numeric values but those are different from the mean/median. For examples: chr1:1-1000 and chr1:1001-2000 (my two first positions) are equal to -0.476 and -0.187, respectively, whereas median.chr is 1.004. But they still have NA values for so they are set to NA at line 680.

Here is the code I use to decompose my normal sample and where I end up with NAs (is the mc.cores useful as it's not explicitely used in the function?):

decomp=start_wash_cycle(cov=readRDS('OUTPUT/Sample_1.rds'), mc.cores=12, detergent.pon.path="/camp/home/lesluyt/working/lesluyt/Dryclean/PON/OUTPUT/deter_PON.rds", whole_genome=T, germline.filter=F)

EDIT I'm not using a blacklist and lines 669 and 670 seems to play a major role as those actually replace NA by median value (regardless if you use a blacklist or not). Would it make sense to get those out the if statement?

kcygan commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue. WES analysis. Everything works till the germline events identification step which fails and gives the following error:

Starting the preparation of Panel of Normal samples a.k.a detergent Error in setattr(ans, "names", c(keep.names, paste0("V", seq_len(length(ans) - : 'names' attribute [1] must be the same length as the vector [0]

I do have drycleaned normals and NA value appears there as well:

GRanges object with 6 ranges and 10 metadata columns:
      seqnames      ranges strand |      background.log    foreground.log
         <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle> |           <numeric>         <numeric>
  [1]        1 11869-12227      * |  -0.136516325393426                 0

          reads                gc       map
      <numeric>         <numeric> <numeric>          <numeric>
  [1]         0 0.512534818941504         0                  0

             median.chr       foreground        background          log.reads
              <numeric>        <numeric>         <numeric>          <numeric>
  [1] 0.670632457759282                0                 0               <NA>
asd1289 commented 4 years ago

Hello @tlesluyes and @kcygan thanks for pointing out this bug. I am working on this and will push a patch asap.

kcygan commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot @asd1289 When you push the changes could you please also update the start_wash_cycle function, line 694 from germ.file = readRDS(germline.filter) to germ.file = readRDS(germline.file)

asd1289 commented 4 years ago

@kcygan I have changed that typo. Please stay tuned for the NA error.

willhooper commented 4 years ago

I'm having a similar error when using identify_germline() on WGS data as well:

Error in setattr(ans, "names", c(keep.names, paste0("V", seq_len(length(ans) -  :
  'names' attribute [1] must be the same length as the vector [0]
Calls: identify_germline -> transpose -> setattr
asd1289 commented 4 years ago

@tlesluyes @kcygan @willhooper I have added a temporary fix as suggested by @tlesluyes for now. I am keeping this issue open to follow up on this bug. Please let me know of additional issues. Thank you for reporting bugs and take care!