mslinn / quill-cache

Caching layer overtop Quill for Scala
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Suggested new feature: Generating Query Boilerplate for Entire Databases / Higher-Level Generic Support #1

Closed mslinn closed 7 years ago

mslinn commented 7 years ago

Most applications work with databases that have many tables. Because Scala macros do not support parametric polymorphism, there is a lot of repetitive code that needs to be written for every table. This becomes an issue when a database contains dozens or hundreds of tables.

I can imagine several possible approaches for generating this boilerplate, described at the end of this document. Each approach would start the same way, by processing case classes that match the regexes specified by the Config file, and generating code. Each table's queries would be generated into a unique type.

The config file would need parameters to control the generated code:

quill {
  table-generation {
    package-name { // regex matches fully qualified case class names to packages for DAO types
      "model.persistence.user.*" : "model.persistence.user.dao"
      ".*?xxx.*"  : ""
      ".*"      : "model.persistence.dao"
    generate-within = trait // or class, or abstract class
    default-cache = strong // or soft, or none
    cache-override {
      "user.*" : soft
    execution-context = model.myExecutionContext // default value:

For example, given the above config file, and tables called course and user traits, the following traits would be generated: model.persistence.dao.CourseDaoLike andmodel.persistence.user.dao.UserDaoLike. The traits would follow the default Quill naming convention, so the corresponding domain classes would be model.persistence.Course and model.persistence.user.User.

This is what the contents of UserDao.scala might look like:

package model.persistence.dao

import model.User
import model.persistence.Types.{IdLong, IdOptionLong}
import model.persistence.{CachedPersistence, Id, QuillImplicits, SoftCacheLike}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.language.postfixOps

trait UserDaoLike extends CachedPersistence[Long, Option[Long], User]
             with SoftCacheLike[Long, Option[Long], User]
             with QuillImplicits {
  import model.persistence.QuillConfiguration.ctx._

  implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = model.myExecutionContext

  val queryAll: Quoted[EntityQuery[Course]] = quote { query[Course] }

  override val _findAll: List[User] = run { quote { query[User] } }

  val queryById: IdOptionLong => Quoted[EntityQuery[User]] =
    (id: IdOptionLong) =>
      quote { query[User].filter( == lift(id)) }

  val _deleteById: (IdOptionLong) => Unit =
    (id: IdOptionLong) => {
      run { quote { queryById(id).delete } }

  val _findById: IdOptionLong => Option[User] =
    (id: Id[Option[Long]]) =>
      run { quote { queryById(id) } }.headOption

  val _insert: User => User =
    (user: User) => {
      val id: Id[Option[Long]] = try {
        run { quote { query[User].insert(lift(user)) }.returning( }
      } catch {
        case e: Throwable =>
          throw e

  val _update: User => User =
    (user: User) => {
      val id: Long = run { queryById( }

  @inline override def findById(id: IdOptionLong): Option[User] = { run { queryById(id) }.headOption }

The above trait could be used to create the DAO for User:

object Users extends UserDaoLike {
  // User-specific DAO code goes here

The possible approaches that I can think of for implementing the above are:

  1. Generate Scala code into files. The common code would be placed in target/scala-X.YY/quill-cache. The top-level code would be generated into src/main/scala/packageName, so it would be checked in as part of the project
  2. Emit code at compile time using a macro that drives the Quill macros. How feasible is this?
mslinn commented 7 years ago

Here is an initial version: