Restore Solland: the ruins of this region of the Empire have been entrusted to Gelt to bring back to its former glory. For this, he will need gold and lots of it. For the greatest wizard schooled in the Lore of Metal, this should be a simple task.
Amass a treasury of 50,000
Establish a military and trade alliance with Belegar, Thorgrim.
Destroy Wurrzags faction
Bolster the College: the Altdorf College of Mages needs strengthening, judges the High Patriarch. It must be built to its highest glory, and perhaps obtaining the occasional teachings of those who taught magic to the people of the Empire in the first place.
Occupy Altdorf, Build College of Magic, occupy or ally with Saphery and Loremasters.
The Fabled East: tales come through traders of the wealth and technology of far eastern Grand Cathay. In particular, the Iron Dragon and his alchemists interest Balthasar. An exchange of goods and knowledge would be most beneficial.
Destroy Ku’gath, Ghorst, Skarsnik, Drazhoath
Trade and military alliance with Zhao Ming
Rewards: Metallurgy abilities for Gelt
Idea by Matt