We are taking a surprise trip to the Savannah for a safari to see all sorts of exotic animals. During our time their we want to keep track of all the animals we have seen. For this, we need to create a database, as well as a small console application to help record what we see.
Use an ORM to query against a database
Explorer Mode
[x] Create a database called SafariVacation / safari_vacation
[x] This will have 1 table called SeenAnimals / seen_animals that has the following columns
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "server=localhost;database=<<DatabaseName>>" Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL -c <<DatabaseName>>Context
- Add a migration:
dotnet ef migrations add AddBaordGameTable
- Update your database
dotnet ef database update
- Documentation: [Dotnet EF CLI Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/miscellaneous/cli/dotnet)
## Reading Material
To prepare for upcoming lessons, students might want to read links shared here.
We are taking a surprise trip to the Savannah for a safari to see all sorts of exotic animals. During our time their we want to keep track of all the animals we have seen. For this, we need to create a database, as well as a small console application to help record what we see.
Explorer Mode
that has the following columnsId
for an animalJungle
and get a total number of animals seenCountOfTimesSeen
Adventure Mode
, with a type of DateTime. This will require a new migration to added and ran.Epic Mode
Additional Resources
Here are the interesting commands you will need for tonights assignment
To add Entity Framework to your project:
To create your database:
To create the DbContext
dotnet ef migrations add AddBaordGameTable
dotnet ef database update