msolters / Tiles

Dynamic CV and Resume app
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Exhibits #6

Open epheterson opened 9 years ago

epheterson commented 9 years ago

Name is a WIP

Ability to group tiles by category, chronologically, or also in curated sets.

Extremely similar to just using multiple tags on tiles, except that each tile can exist in only one category, though may exist in as many exhibits as the user would like.

epheterson commented 9 years ago

For chronological, at the end have an 'Undated' set

msolters commented 9 years ago

Ok so what if the edit tile has a text edit box that lets you "tag" things. Like #vacation2014, #honeymoon, et cetera. And it autocompletes, ideally. Then, on the front end, entering #honeymoon into search would display all that meet that criteria. Finally, we add to each tile a list of tags as hyperlinks (somewhere); clicking one of these links auto-fills search with the tag value.

epheterson commented 9 years ago

That sounds like a fine way to do it, except #hastagsAreLame so maybe no hashtag, and we should have a complete list of the tags somewhere, maybe in the sidebar, or when clicking on the search box, all categories and hash tags show up below to be clicked on or something.

epheterson commented 9 years ago

Or maybe #hashtagsAren'tLame #iDon'tKnow

msolters commented 9 years ago

So I think adding Tiles to exhibits is easy, we can just use a text box to add extra tags. The real question I need some guidance on is, how are Exhibits experienced to the front end visitor? Like what is that interface, how does it feel? A big carousel? A separate page?

epheterson commented 9 years ago

Oh I got it. Three views exist, sorted by... oh wait I said it above : Ability to group tiles by category, chronologically, or also in curated sets.

So exactly the same layout (that I just pasted in the other one, I suppose I can also attach here instead of saying the other one) except category titles turn into exhibit titles. Users can sort their exhibits, and tiles within exhibits, just as they do in categories.

Exhibits start in draft-mode by default. Users add tiles to exhibits similarly to how songs are added to playlists in most music apps, just an Add to... dropdown and select existing or type in a new.

Visitors are given the three options and users can set categories, chronological, or curations as default views for their visitors.

Curations are discoverable after tapping on the search icon (while not already in curations view) with three curation section headers ready-to-open. Also discoverable in filter view where each category is represented as a #OneWordHashtag

No joke, right now I was trying to include this #hashtag, but Github wanted to make it their real hashtag and I was like how do I stop this and you just escape with \
