When running __arrangeSamples() I get back the samples in the form [timestamps, currents, voltages].
Sometimes the len(currents) does not match the len(timestamps) and len(voltages). Usually the nr of currents is lower than the nr of timestamps and voltages. For example,
Nr of timestamps: 58867
Nr of currents: 58739
Nr of voltages: 58867
We can see a difference of 58867 - 58739 = 128 samples.
Unfortunately I don't have any steps to reproduce this issue as it only happens occasionally and completely randomly.
When running __arrangeSamples() I get back the samples in the form [timestamps, currents, voltages].
Sometimes the len(currents) does not match the len(timestamps) and len(voltages). Usually the nr of currents is lower than the nr of timestamps and voltages. For example,
Nr of timestamps: 58867 Nr of currents: 58739 Nr of voltages: 58867
We can see a difference of 58867 - 58739 = 128 samples.
Unfortunately I don't have any steps to reproduce this issue as it only happens occasionally and completely randomly.
Is this a known issue?
Thank you!