mspnp / AzureNamingTool

The Azure Naming Tool is a .NET 8 Blazor application, with a RESTful API. The UI consists of several pages to allow the configuration and generation of Azure Resource names. The API provides a programmatic interface for the functionality.
MIT License
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v4.0.0 #67

Closed BryanSoltis closed 8 months ago

BryanSoltis commented 8 months ago


With the release of v4.0.0, the Azure Naming Tool has been upgraded to a .NET 8 Blazor Web App. This requires an update to the hosting environment, as well as a BACKUP & RESTORE of your configuration. Review the v4.0.0 Migration Guide for details.

View the Azure Naming Tool v4.0.0 Migration Guide




psilantropy commented 8 months ago

Hello :). Regarding some locations;

    "id": 3,
    "name": "Australia East",
    "shortName": "ae"
    "shortName": "aue"
    "id": 4,
    "name": "Australia Southeast",
    "shortName": "as"
    "shortName": "aus"

What's the source on these? As I understood them:

Australia East australiaeast, ae, aeu, ea

Australia Southeast australiasoutheast, ase, seau, sau

We use ae and ase which aren't present in the tool any longer by default.

jamasten commented 8 months ago

@psilantropy we updated the locations based on feedback. Locations for AzureCloud have a two character region code (continent / country) based on ISO 3166, a 1 or 2 character direction, and a digit if applicable. "au" is for Australia. "e" is for east. "se" is for southeast. The Azure Naming Tool uses APIs making it agnostic. I do not use terraform and have no affiliation with the team managing the tool you referenced. You can restore the locations if you do not like the update.

psilantropy commented 8 months ago

Thanks @jamasten. I just posted the URL as an example; I don't use terraform currently.

I'm more than happy to adjust the configuration to suit our environment, I just hoped to find a reference with MS/AzureCloud that aligns with what we have here - and I couldn't. Then I couldn't see anything in the changes to show what we're moving from-to. I am looking at adjusting our location naming for our business and hoped to find references.

What I thought the tool was using (geocode, ae/ase) -

The main issue for us with the new short names is they are longer. :) Plus Australia East is now East Asia ;) - not that we use more than 2-5 regions here anyway.

I did find another terraform option recently updated that matches this change: But their reference is also to a link without this data.

Don't get me wrong - these new short names are much easier to understand at a glance.

jamasten commented 8 months ago

@psilantropy CAF guidance and the Azure Naming Tool provide a framework for naming. Both allow for flexibility but make recommendations to simplify the process and avoid naming collisions. We make every effort for a customer to customize the tool to their liking. The defaults are simply that. No need to keep them if you don't them. This wasn't an arbitrary update but instead fueled by feedback. I recently stumbled upon the geocodes list myself when enabling private endpoints on recovery services vaults. It was very similar to the Naming Tool's old list but not 100%. Still, we believe the new list makes sense for most customers since it aligns to the ISO standard that most people are familiar with. That's interesting you found another repo with a similar list as our new locations. The new short names are only longer by one character so if you're constrained on a resource, you may way to shorten another component by one character or remove the delimiter for that resource.

psilantropy commented 8 months ago

Cool. Thanks for the explanation and your time @jamasten

Character count saving for us is mainly for VMs. We have something in place (combining env and loc) which helps with character reduction, but I was researching options that are more widely used and understood.

Keep up the good work :)

psilantropy commented 6 months ago

Sorry to drag this thread up again;

ISO 3166, a 1 or 2 character direction, and a digit if applicable. "au" is for Australia. "e" is for east. "se" is for southeast

ISO3166 for au, and then e(aue) and s(aus) was created by the aznamingtool dev team? Just looking to reference ISO3166 in my documentation :).

jamasten commented 6 months ago

@psilantropy to be specific, we are using the alpha-2 codes in the ISO 3166 standard for the countries. The location portion is abbreviated using the first letter in each word.