msracver / Deep-Feature-Flow

Deep Feature Flow for Video Recognition
MIT License
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Training models using Deep Feature Flow with R-FCN #14

Closed TerryLovesLife closed 7 years ago

TerryLovesLife commented 7 years ago


When I train and test Deep Feature Flow with R-FCN, using the following command: python experiments/dff_rfcn/ --cfg experiments/dff_rfcn/cfgs/resnet_v1_101_flownet_imagenet_vid_rfcn_end2end_ohem.yaml

AssertionError: Path does not exist: ./data/ILSVRC2015/ImageSets/DET_train_30classes.txt

Is it only 30 classes information for VID in DET_train_30classes.txt, what is the calss data format inside txt file? Or where can I download the DET_train_30calsses.txt ??

Thank you !!!

YuwenXiong commented 7 years ago

DET_train_30classes.txt is a part of our repo, it is in data/ILSVRC2015/ImageSets

TerryLovesLife commented 7 years ago

Sorry. My mistake. I delete the ILSVRC2015 and link to my download dataset. Solved, thank you.

Sanku-Yogesh commented 2 years ago

hi, which dataset exactly we need to download could u please refer to this comment