I am running mxnet in a gpu-enabled docker container (https://hub.docker.com/r/kaixhin/cuda-mxnet/) which uses cuda8. Apparently the FCIS expects cuda7.5? After copying the operator_cxx files to mxnet home and recompiling , I hit the libcudart error when trying to run the demo. Any hints on how to proceed?
The mxnet itself seems fine from the python check:
In [2]: import mxnet as mx
In [5]: a=mx.nd.ones((2,3),mx.gpu())
In [6]: b=a*2+1
In [7]: b.asnumpy()
Out[7]: array([[ 3., 3., 3.],
[ 3., 3., 3.]], dtype=float32)
I am running mxnet in a gpu-enabled docker container (https://hub.docker.com/r/kaixhin/cuda-mxnet/) which uses cuda8. Apparently the FCIS expects cuda7.5? After copying the operator_cxx files to mxnet home and recompiling , I hit the libcudart error when trying to run the demo. Any hints on how to proceed?
The mxnet itself seems fine from the python check: