Subsetting to populations with greater than 0 cells
3987 distinct cells from 2 celltypes to be analyzed
Limiting ground truth to genes within dataset
Mapping against 2470 ground truth signaling mechanisms
Compute edgelist based on mutual nearest neighbors.
Error: No cell overlap between new meta data and Seurat object
I would appreciate any help regarding potential issues.
Thank you!
Thanks for this great tool.
NICHES has worked well for me in the past. However, now I am running into "Error: No cell overlap between new meta data and Seurat object".
I am trying to find ligand receptor networks upregulated in Visium spots with a certain annotation in column "hotspots".
Here is my code:$x <- s12_niche@images$caudal_6.5_r_V13Y22.328_D1@coordinates$row$y <- s12_niche@images$caudal_6.5_r_V13Y22.328_D1@coordinates$col DefaultAssay(s12_niche) <- "Spatial" s12_niche <- SeuratWrappers::RunALRA(s12_niche) s12_niche_output <- RunNICHES(object = s12_niche, LR.database = "fantom5", species = "human", assay = "alra", position.x = 'x', position.y = 'y', k = 4, cell_types = "hotspots", min.cells.per.ident = 0, min.cells.per.gene = NULL, = c('orig.ident', 'hotspots'), CellToCell = F,CellToSystem = F,SystemToCell = F, CellToCellSpatial = F,CellToNeighborhood = F,NeighborhoodToCell = T).
Set cell types as Identity of object internally
Subsetting to populations with greater than 0 cells
3987 distinct cells from 2 celltypes to be analyzed
Limiting ground truth to genes within dataset
Mapping against 2470 ground truth signaling mechanisms Compute edgelist based on mutual nearest neighbors. Error: No cell overlap between new meta data and Seurat object
I would appreciate any help regarding potential issues. Thank you!