msrd / Summit-2019-Unconference

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Microsoft to build ethical AI #2

Open stefanotempesta opened 5 years ago

stefanotempesta commented 5 years ago

Satya Nadella highlighted the key role ethics must play in developing future AI technology. AI will render enormous change in "every walk of life", but developers would need to take their ethical responsibilities seriously.

"We're at that stage where the choices we make are grounded in the fact that technology development doesn't just happen - it happens because us humans make design choices" Nadella said. Those design choices need to be grounded in principles and ethics, not only technology.

This is a big change in the traditional software development lifecycle, probably comparable to when the same Microsoft embraced a security-first design approach years ago.

I'd like to identify with you all, tools, practices and patterns for describing and introducing EDD - Ethical Driven Design - in any aspects of the SDLC.

alonf commented 5 years ago

markusegger commented 5 years ago

I wonder if we could combine this with the other proposed AI/ML session: