msrd / Summit-2019-Unconference

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Presenting Microsoft Information in our Presentations #3

Open markusegger opened 5 years ago

markusegger commented 5 years ago

One of the things I constantly struggle with is showing information about MS tech (often Azure) in my slides. For instance, I want to show an overview slide of what Azure can do. Or, I want to show how many Azure regions there are, and so forth. I have a few places I can get some of that stuff from, but I wonder whether we could organize this better so we have more of a source we can all draw from.

Disclaimer: This is a topic I am interested in learning more about. I would like to hear how others deal with this. However, this is not a topic I personally have a lot of knowledge about.

markusegger commented 5 years ago

Flagging as duplicate of #15