Open octavm opened 7 years ago
please provide example code to reproduce your issue
The example code is in the ContextClickOnMap class from the test folder. Run the UiRunner class, navigate to localhost:9998 and select the 'ContextClickOnMap' test case.
I'm facing this issue, too. Also, the map gets events which should be caught by the layer. It seems that
polygon.setNonBubblingEvents(new String[]{"click", "contextmenu"});
doesn't do anything. At least what I see would be consistent with that.
LeafletJS API has been changed and you can now just toggle whether mouse events should be bubbled or not. I changed that to g-leaflet and v-leaflet. Let me know if this would work for you? There is a similar option for Marker, I guess that would be needed as well in some cases?
Thanks for looking into this. I updated my sources, ran the test case again, and indeed the click/contextclick event on the polygon is not propagated to the map anymore.
But what I find peculiar is that when performing a contextclick on the polygon, the standard click listener of the polygon is also notified. Is this expected behavior ?
I think it is. That is a click even as well, but with mouseEvent=RIGHT. I think you have to check it to be left click if you need to separate those in your click listener.
I think map don't support it at this point, but there could in theory be other ways to open context menu, like long touch event or "force touch".
Works for me, too, thank you!
While running the 'ContextClickOnMap' test case, I performed a right mouse button click(contextmenu) on the polygon and the left mouse button click listener (click) is fired(incorrect behavior).
The message 'Std Click at polygon at [...]' is printed on the screen even though I pressed right mouse button.