mstahv / v-leaflet

Leaflet add-on for Vaadin
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Enhancement: Consider using JTS Geometry types in the server side API #18

Closed mstahv closed 10 years ago

mstahv commented 10 years ago

Quite many Java with apps with geospatial features use JTS Topology Suite. It might be still worth switching to use its data types in the server side API.

Transition could be done by deprecating the old API and still support own types for a while.

willtemperley commented 10 years ago

+1 for this. I imagine having a dependency on JTS is reasonable; I expect almost any Vaadin mapping application will already have this.

Using polygons as an example, presumably the LPolygon class would remain, but what would essentially be helper methods for translating between JTS and the leaflet world would be added, e.g. LMap.addPolygon(Polygon jtsPoly) ?

mstahv commented 10 years ago

I have thought of adding methods like LPolygon.setPoints(LinearRing) as an alternative API for v-leaflets internal datatypes.

One other Java-GIS expert also told me that JTS dependency (at least via geotools) kind of de-facto standard and it is handy also for e.g. #25 so I guess that is going to appear in next version.

willtemperley commented 10 years ago

Yes all the Java-GIS libraries I know use JTS ..., WorldWind, Geotools

I could start by adding some methods to LMap - I have a concrete requirement for adding JTS Multipolygons ... See prototype:!TaxonName/2731

I need to support groups of islands which comprise e.g. a designated area.

mstahv commented 10 years ago

All contributions are more than welcome!

If the feature dont's strictly belong to LMap, I'd though add it into a separate helper class. In LMap class I'd like to see JTS support in methods like setCenter and zoomToExtent. They should definitely have overloaded version with appropriate JTS data type.

willtemperley commented 10 years ago

Ok, I had a quick go at this. It was pretty easy to add some convenience methods to LFeatureGroup - just because this fitted well with my multi-polygon requirement.

Just let me know you want to see the API looking. I added setCenter on LMap, which is a little ugly given the two Point classes.

mstahv commented 10 years ago

Great, I' can try to move these in and make a new release on Friday (probably a snowstorm day).

You might find some handy from this class:

willtemperley commented 10 years ago

The big generic Geometry->LeafletLayer function seems to work OK, but I wonder if it would be better to return a LeafletLayer[], which can be directly used in variadic functions. Also will need to think about Points.

mstahv commented 10 years ago

array is an option, overloading with addLayers(Collection) another, you can decide this.

mstahv commented 10 years ago

Changed the way geometry collections are handled a bit in

Starts to look quite good to me. I'll close this issue, but if there is still relevant API that needs "JTS version" it can of course be added.