mstange / msvc-demangler-rust

A rust library that demangles / undecorates C++ symbols mangled by MSVC
42 stars 13 forks source link

??_EGrTexture@@$4PPPPPPPM@A@AEPAXI@Z fails to demangle #31

Open jrmuizel opened 6 years ago

jrmuizel commented 6 years ago

should be

[thunk]:public: virtual void * __thiscall GrTexture::`vector deleting destructor'`vtordisp{4294967292,0}' (unsigned int)"
jrmuizel commented 6 years ago

read_func_class needs to handle:

     * "$0" private: thunk vtordisp
     * "$1" private: thunk vtordisp
     * "$2" protected: thunk vtordisp
     * "$3" protected: thunk vtordisp
     * "$4" public: thunk vtordisp
     * "$5" public: thunk vtordisp
     * "$B" vcall thunk
     * "$R" thunk vtordispex