mstein / elasticsearch-grails-plugin

ElasticSearch grails plugin
Based on Graeme Rocher initial stub. Note that it is still in early stage.
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Failed to find geo_point field #77

Closed shelbyd closed 10 years ago

shelbyd commented 10 years ago

I have two domain classes that mirror the GeoPoint examples exactly. Yet, in my tests I keep getting the error QueryParsingException[[package] failed to find geo_point field [location]]; } My Building class is

class Building {
  GeoPoint location

  static searchable = {
    location geoPoint: true, component: true

I do create the GeoPoint in a beforeValidate block, but it appears to be indexed with the correct data: Indexing class package.Building (index: package , type: building) of id 57 and source {"category":null,"location":{"id":2,"class":"package.GeoPoint","lat":40.15,"lon":5.699999999999999}

I am at a loss for what is going wrong.