mstenta / farm_crop_plan

Crop plan type and related features for farmOS. (ALPHA 3.x IN DEVELOPMENT)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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add CSV export feature #31

Open ludwa6 opened 3 years ago

ludwa6 commented 3 years ago

Maybe i'm missing something, but i don't see the usual "CSV" button at bottom of the Crop Plan page.
Should have one, no?

mstenta commented 3 years ago

I could see this being useful - but what would it export? The list of planting assets? The list of seeding/transplanting logs? Both? The plan combines information from assets and logs, so it's a bit different than the other CSV exports that exist in farmOS currently, and therefore would have to be built from scratch.

ludwa6 commented 3 years ago

In fact @mstenta : i want CSV export mainly for purposes of aggregating all my crop planning data outside the system, because i gather that there be some limit to how many crops can go into a single Crop Plan. Is this true? if so, i need some such workaround.

Yet what i really want is to be able to filter down the crop plan for my market garden -a single plan for the whole year ahead, presently stored in one monster spreadsheet[1]- and print out what is most relevant to the user.

Our most frequent UseCase: manager uses select view of Crop Plan as focal point of weekly tactical meetings with the garden team in form of a Gantt chart, showing what's happening in each bed:crop during the week ahdead, whether seeding/ transplanting/ harvesting or other.

Another important UseCase would be a longer-range (spanning current and next season) less-granular view (not by bed, but crop class: crop) for purposes of plan-building with both garden team and client community, as in a CSA.

I realise that addressing such UseCases is probably beyond the scope of this system as it stands, which is why i'm having to hold my nose and subscribe to some nice slick click&draggy commercial solution, to create something that's actually useful for our busy garden team in the short term.

Meanwhile, i want to build a solution that respects our values- i.e. FOSS that gives us full sovereignty over our own data-which i see as ideally following a coevolutionary path to integration w/ farmOS and it's data model; this should eventually beat the pants off all that expensive ransomeware that for now appears to be the only choice serious farmers have for running their whole enterprise efficiently.

Does this make sense to you, Mike? If so, then have you any suggestions about how we might get there?

[1] Note: about that monster. spreadsheet: It was developed by a graduate Agronomic Engineer who -building on his academic thesis, i believe- conceived it as a solution to the several problems of crop planning, economic modelling, landplot and labor management, observation logging and farm record-keeping... Etc! Obviously it's trying to do too much for the vehicle... But for all that, the annual crop plan -which is a Gantt-style timeline view- is fine, except for being just too big & unwieldy. Would be happy to share, if you'd care to give it a look & some feedback.

ludwa6 commented 3 years ago

PS: On reflection, it appears i overstepped the scope of this issue as stated, and bundled two different issues -both already posted by others- in this one... So maybe discussion should continue in those two backlinked threads (#21 and #28 ), and retire this one (?). /w

mstenta commented 3 years ago

i gather that there be some limit to how many crops can go into a single Crop Plan. Is this true?

Yea this is mostly a performance consideration right now. Here is the relevant issue with more info:

The way Wolfe's Neck worked around this is by creating multiple plans, splitting up their plantings by crop type (eg: Brassicas, Flowers, Tomatoes, etc). Which is actually a nice way to organize things regardless, IMO. But still I'd like to fix the performance issues so it's not a requirement.

Yet what i really want is to be able to filter down the crop plan for my market garden -a single plan for the whole year ahead, presently stored in one monster spreadsheet[1]- and print out what is most relevant to the user.

I love all these thoughts @ludwa6 ! And would love to work together to refine this module with you... I'm excited to have the bulk of the farmOS 2.x migration behind us so we can really focus on these higher level features again. Soon! :-)

PS: On reflection, it appears i overstepped the scope of this issue as stated, and bundled two different issues -both already posted by others- in this one... So maybe discussion should continue in those two backlinked threads (#21 and #28 ), and retire this one (?). /w

Since this issue still has a ton of useful feedback in it, I think what I might do is just rename it, but leave it open so that we don't lose track of it. When we are able to get our head back into this (and hopefully move it into farmOS core), we can have some more discussions.

Or... perhaps it would make sense to copy this into a new forum post? The forum is a better place for open ended brainstorming. :-)