mstr-dev / Visualization-Plugins-Deprecated

This repository contains visualization plugins that fit to MicroStrategy's Web/Desktop platform.
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No intermediate nodes in Sankey chart #33

Open alexisrolland opened 9 years ago

alexisrolland commented 9 years ago

I have a data set which looks like this:

source,target,value Barry,Elvis,2 Frodo,Elvis,2 Frodo,Sarah,2 Barry,Alice,2 Elvis,Sarah,2 Elvis,Alice,2 Sarah,Alice,4

Elvis is both a target for Barry and Frodo, and a source for Sarah and Alice. He should be displayed in between Barry / Frodo (on the left) and Sarah / Alice (on the right). See example:


Instead, the Sankey chart only keep two nodes, one on the left and one on the right like this:


QinMing commented 9 years ago

The issue is, you are choosing 2 attributes, source and target. The plugin is not used like that. You may give it a table containing 4 attributes since your graph have 4 tiers. But my suggestion is, change the plugin by yourself and directly feed links to sankey Replace this part:D3Flow.js#L83-L107

alexisrolland commented 9 years ago

Hello QinMing and thank you for your answer. You're right, it seems the visualization is expecting one attribute per tier. This being said, the behavior is not ideal...

Regardless the number of tiers, only one measure can be used and it's used for all the relationships of a given row. Example below:

Any idea how we could provide different measures for each relationships?


Thank you

karimfaiz commented 8 years ago

Hello alexisrolland, i just created a sankey plugin based on google charts api who have intermediate nodes. You can found it here :