mstrens / oXs_on_RP2040

version of openXsensor to be used on raspberry pi pico RP2040 (more protocols, more functionalities)
85 stars 22 forks source link

Logger for oXs_RP2040 #111

Closed Satcomix closed 11 months ago

Satcomix commented 11 months ago

Hello Mstrens, Can I open the issue here or on Logger GitHub? Board RPi 2040 Pico In the meantime I tried to play the .uf2 from the logger project onto a board. If I press ? and Enter, I don't see any help for entering commands. Greeting, Torsten

Rebooted by Watchdog!

Config parameters are OK Press ? + Enter to get help about the commands

Type any character to begin +++++++++++

Satcomix commented 10 months ago

I download 2.8.38 and install 2.8.37 ???? In the ? help or terminal, i dont find LED select

mstrens commented 10 months ago

I do not know what happened. Anyway I uploaded 2.8.38 again

Satcomix commented 10 months ago

I install 2.8.38 and RGB=18 (RGB=16 default) but nothing happened at GPio18 LED16 is still red blinking, and after power up radio it get green blinking on GPio16. processing cmd

Version = 2.8.38 Function GPIO Change entering XXX=yyy (yyy=255 to disable) Primary channels input = 5 (PRI = 5, 9, 21, 25) Secondary channels input = 255 (SEC = 1, 13, 17, 29) Telemetry . . . . . . . . = 255 (TLM = 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) GPS Rx . . . . . . . . . = 12 (GPS_RX = 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) GPS Tx . . . . . . . . . = 13 (GPS_TX = 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) Sbus OUT . . . . . . . . = 2 (SBUS_OUT= 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) RPM . . . . . . . . . . = 4 (RPM = 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) SDA (I2C sensors) . . . . = 14 (SDA = 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26) SCL (I2C sensors) . . . . = 15 (SCL = 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27) PWM Channels 1, 2, 3 ,4 = 255 255 255 255 (C1 / C16= 0, 1, 2, ..., 15) PWM Channels 5, 6, 7 ,8 = 255 255 255 255 PWM Channels 9,10,11,12 = 255 255 255 255 PWM Channels 13,14,15,16 = 255 255 255 255 Voltage 1, 2, 3, 4 = 26 27 28 29 (V1 / V4 = 26, 27, 28, 29) RGB led . . . . . . . . . = 18 (RGB = 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) Logger . . . . . . . . . = 0 (LOG = 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) ESC . . . . . . . . . . . = 255 (ESC_PIN= 0, 1, 2, ..., 29)

Esc type is not defined

Protocol is Fbus(Frsky) CRSF baudrate = 420000 Logger baudrate = 115200 PWM is generated at = 50 Hz

mstrens commented 10 months ago

"The logger board was repowered, the date and time are not correct because there is no backup battery, everything is ok so far, in the log.csv the GPS time starts at line 78 and the logger should now take the time from the GPS, or have I got you wrong understood"

The first column in the log file stays always with the timestamp (msec) of the RP2040 logger. The date and time of RTC and of GPS is used only to change the "creation date and time" of the log file. In the past, I think I could see this creation date in windows explorer but it seems that windows 10 does not show it in the list. Still you can see it if you click right on the file and ask for properties.

It is supposed to be:

mstrens commented 10 months ago

A bout led, I uploaded 2.8.39. There was already a field in config for the led pin but in the code it was not used (16 hard code somewhere). It should now be fixed

Satcomix commented 10 months ago

I give 2.8.39 a try, but nothing happens. RGB=16 RGB=18 RGB=11 nothing happens, RGB is off , no colour

mstrens commented 10 months ago

I uploaded 2.8.40. In previous program, I started the LED immediately. Now I first have to read and check all config parameters to know the gpio being used. I think it is now OK for oXs

Satcomix commented 10 months ago

Version 2.8.40 works. Now i can use the RGB LED from my Pimoroni Servo2040 and free up one more GPio for other use. Thank you very much. greetings, Torsten

mstrens commented 10 months ago

I uploaded new version 0.0.15 of logger to let you select gpio for RGB led

Satcomix commented 10 months ago

Version 0.0.15 oXs_Logger works. RGB=16 default RGB=17 OK

mstrens commented 10 months ago

OK. Is log file creation date & time as I explained? Am I clear enough?

Satcomix commented 10 months ago

Yes, now i understand. I think we had a lot new features with all the telemtry and sbus and sequencer, also the logger works very good. We have worked well together over the last few days (year), thank you. When there is something to do, let me know. When you want, you can take the LUA script to the .doc folder for other modell maker. The new version has 23 views/downloads in RCG greetings, Torsten

Satcomix commented 10 months ago

Hello Mstrens, I thought it would be boring now and that I would be unemployed after the new main version :-((, but there is still a problem with the logger 0.0.15 No .csv file is created automatically when you switch on the logger; you first have to confirm with ENTER via the IDE terminal. A new .csv is then created. Until this point the RGB LED is also off and after ENTER it flashes green. Greetings, Torsten

AFTER ENTER: Clean boot

Config parameters are OK Press ? + Enter to get help about the commands

Autoprobing for a RTC... Autoprobe found MCP7941x at 0x6F Calibration: 0 log file will be in oXsLog001.csv end of setup No data within 834548

mstrens commented 10 months ago

Can you try to remove those lines (from setup()) while (!Serial) { yield(); }

It could be that those block when the usb/serial is not ready. As I always tested powering the board via the USB, it did not block on my side.

If you can't compile your self, I can create the uf2 in a version 0.0.16

Satcomix commented 10 months ago

I found this line in param.cpp: void handleUSBCmd(void){ uint8_t c; while (Serial.available()) { c =;

and this in oXs_logger_arduino.ino while (Serial.available()) {;

mstrens commented 10 months ago

No. It concerns lines 68/70 in oXs_logger_arduino.ino (in setup() function)

Satcomix commented 10 months ago

I get a error message: In file included from c:\Users\Syracuse\Documents\Arduino\libraries\oXs_logger_arduino-main/param.h:3:0, from C:\Users\Syracuse\Documents\Dateien\Modellbau-Electronic\RP2040-Plattform\OpenXsensor-RP2040\oXs_LOGGER\Ver.0.0.15\oXs_logger_arduino-main\oXs_logger_arduino-main\oXs_logger_arduino\oXs_logger_arduino.ino:27: C:\Users\Syracuse\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\mbed_nano\4.0.8\cores\arduino/mbed/targets/TARGET_RASPBERRYPI/TARGET_RP2040/pico-sdk/common/pico_stdlib/include/pico/stdlib.h:11:10: fatal error: pico/stdio.h: No such file or directory

include "pico/stdio.h"


compilation terminated.

exit status 1

Compilation error: exit status 1

mstrens commented 10 months ago

I put 0.0.16 on github. I made the proposed change. I not not sure it will solve your issue.

Satcomix commented 10 months ago

Hello Mstrens, The problem is fixed with version 0.0.16. After reboot or power-on, the LED lights up blue briefly (initialization) and then flashes green. That's how it should be. Thank you. Greetings, Torsten

mstrens commented 10 months ago

OK. Thanks for the remark.