mstrens / oXs_on_RP2040

version of openXsensor to be used on raspberry pi pico RP2040 (more protocols, more functionalities)
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RTC function RP2040 #113

Closed Satcomix closed 9 months ago

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

Good morning Mstrens, First test without connection to normal oXs. First boot: Rebooted by Watchdog!

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Type any character to begin +++++++++++

Autoprobing for a RTC... Autoprobe found MCP7941x at 0x6F Calibration: 0 log file will be in oXsLog004.csv No data within 19859 No data within 5001 No data within 5001 No data within 5001

Challenger RP2040 SD/RTC board uses I2C0 for the RTC communication: gpio to receive data from oXs = 5 Baudrate = 115200 RTC uses: SDA = 0 SCL = 1 Rtc is installed; date&time = 2001-01-01T00:12:27 Protocol is O (oXs + csv) Led color is normal (not inverted)

Second Boot: with actual Date and Time

Version = 0.0.7 Fields in CSV log (+ = included; - = not included)

Config parameters are OK Press ? + Enter to get help about the commands No data within 5001 No data within 5001 No data within 5001 No data within 5001

Third Boot with LOG=0 SD card use SPI1 (0=SPI, 1=SPI1) GPIO's used by sd card are: CS = 9 MOSI = 11 MISO = 12 SCLK = 10 UART with oXs uses: gpio to receive data from oXs = 5 Baudrate = 115200 RTC uses: SDA = 0 SCL = 1 Rtc is installed; date&time = 2023-10-18T08:30:29 Protocol is O (oXs + csv) Led color is normal (not inverted)

Config parameters are OK Press ? + Enter to get help about the commands Reset writeIdx Reset writeIdx Reset writeIdx Reset writeIdx Reset writeIdx Reset writeIdx Reset writeIdx Reset writeIdx Reset writeIdx Reset writeIdx Reset writeIdx Reset writeIdx Reset writeIdx

I must deactivate some Telemetrie sensors, too much traffic.

Greetings, Torsten

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

First Bug in Ver.:0.0.7 When you write DT=23-10-18T08:42, you get: Rtc is installed; date&time = 2033-10-18T08:42:04

mstrens commented 9 months ago

I put version 0.0.8 that is supposed to:

Note : in version 0.0.7 and 0.0.8 I also removed the messages about the statistics. I can add them again if you want (it is just a flag at compilation like the one that ask to press a key at power on)

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

"Do you have another reason why you think that there are to many data." Yes, with LOG=0, i get too many Sensor lost messages on the handheld radio.

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

It works with ver.0.0.8 but there is a little bug in the command: Cmd to execute: DT = 23-10-18T09:25 Wrong command: command is discarded After another ENTER everything is ok

mstrens commented 9 months ago

This issue has to be solved in oXs_on_RP2040. Perhaps can you first try to increase the baudrate between oXs and the logger. You can try e.g. a baudrate of 400000 instead of 115200. If this does not solve the issue, then best would be to get capture with a digital logic analyser of 3 or 2 signals (simultanously):

The cmd that was rejected is probably because I forgot to remove the space after the "=". I will change this.

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

I use FBUS with my FrSky X20S. I will test S.PORT and SBUS. Than i will try baudrates up to 400000baud.

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

When i deactivate RPM=255, i get nomore SENSOR LOST in handheld. Baudrate=115200baud

processing cmd

Version = 2.8.33 Function GPIO Change entering XXX=yyy (yyy=255 to disable) Primary channels input = 5 (PRI = 5, 9, 21, 25) Secondary channels input = 255 (SEC = 1, 13, 17, 29) Telemetry . . . . . . . . = 255 (TLM = 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) GPS Rx . . . . . . . . . = 12 (GPS_RX = 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) GPS Tx . . . . . . . . . = 13 (GPS_TX = 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) Sbus OUT . . . . . . . . = 2 (SBUS_OUT= 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) RPM . . . . . . . . . . = 255 (RPM = 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) SDA (I2C sensors) . . . . = 14 (SDA = 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26) SCL (I2C sensors) . . . . = 15 (SCL = 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27) PWM Channels 1, 2, 3 ,4 = 255 255 255 255 (C1 / C16= 0, 1, 2, ..., 15) PWM Channels 5, 6, 7 ,8 = 255 255 255 255 PWM Channels 9,10,11,12 = 255 255 255 255 PWM Channels 13,14,15,16 = 255 255 255 255 Voltage 1, 2, 3, 4 = 26 27 28 29 (V1 / V4 = 26, 27, 28, 29) Logger . . . . . . . . . = 0 (LOG = 0, 1, 2, ..., 29) ESC . . . . . . . . . . . = 255 (ESC_PIN= 0, 1, 2, ..., 29)

Esc type is not defined

Protocol is Fbus(Frsky) CRSF baudrate = 420000 Logger baudrate = 115200 PWM is generated at = 50 Hz

Voltage parameters: Scales : 1.000000 , 1.000000 , 0.100000 , 1.000000 Offsets: 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 2.000000 , 0.000000 One temperature sensor is connected on V3 RPM multiplier = 1.000000 Baro sensor is detected using MS5611 Sensitivity min = 100 (at 100) , max = 300 (at 1000) Hysteresis = 5 Acc/Gyro is detected using MP6050 Acceleration offsets X, Y, Z = 449 , 85 , -2802 Gyro offsets X, Y, Z = 3 , -163 , -192 Aispeed sensor is detected using MS4525 Vspeed compensation channel = 7 First analog to digital sensor is detected using ads1115 Measurement setup: 4 , 5 , 6 ,7 Gains: 1 , 1 , 1 ,1 Rates: 5 , 5 , 5 ,5 Offsets: 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 ,0.000000 Scales: 1.000000 , 1.000000 , 1.000000 ,1.000000 Averaged on: 10 , 10 , 10 ,10 Second analog to digital sensor is detected using ads1115 Measurement setup: 4 , 5 , 6 ,7 Gains: 1 , 1 , 1 ,1 Rates: 5 , 5 , 5 ,5 Offsets: 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 ,0.000000 Scales: 1.000000 , 1.000000 , 1.000000 ,1.000000 Averaged on: 10 , 10 , 10 ,10 Foreseen GPS type is Ublox (configured by oXs) :GPS is detected and has a fix Led color is normal (not inverted) Failsafe uses predefined values Chan 1...4 = 1500 1500 1500 1500 Chan 5...8 = 1500 1500 1500 1500 Chan 9...12 = 1500 1500 1500 1500 Chan 13...16= 1500 1500 1500 1500

Number of: sequencers=2 sequences=4 steps= 7 Sequencer = [ Gpio Type(0=servo,1=analog) Clock(msec) ChannelNr Default Min Max ] Sequence = ( RC_value(-100...100) to_Repeat Uninterrupted Only_priority_interrupted is_a_Priority_seq ) Step = { Smooth(clocks) Pwm(-100...100) Keep(clocks) } SEQ= [ 6 0 20 3 -100 -100 100 ] ( 50 P ) {0 -100 0} ( 100 O ) {0 100 0} [ 7 0 50 3 -100 -100 100 ] ( 30 P ) {0 0 20} ( 80 R O ) {10 100 10} {10 0 10} {10 100 10} {10 0 10}

Config parameters are OK Press ? + Enter to get help about the commands

Version = 0.0.8 Fields in CSV log (+ = included; - = not included)

Config parameters are OK Press ? + Enter to get help about the commands

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

How can i STOP the command PF???

mstrens commented 9 months ago

Currently you can't (except with reset).

I used this command to make tests with small files to avoid having to extract the SD card and start excel. I could add a limit to stop automatically after xx characters

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

Next results: FBUS PRI=5 on GPio5 everything is OK, Telemetry Data and SBUS_out OK S.PORT TLM=1 and PRI=5 everything OK, Telemetry Data and SBUS_out OK I get since half an hour no SENSOR LOST message with all features activated on oXs RP2040 also with Logger port, when i have deactivated RPM=255

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

Ver.0.0.9 Cmd to execute: DT = 23-10-18T10:55 Wrong command: command is discarded

Satcomix commented 9 months ago


Rebooted by Watchdog!

Config parameters are OK Press ? + Enter to get help about the commands

Type any character to begin +++++++++++

Autoprobing for a RTC... Autoprobe found MCP7941x at 0x6F Calibration: 0 log file will be in oXsLog016.csv ---- RTC year = 123 ---- RTC month = 9 ---- RTC day = 18 No data within 8434

Version = 0.0.10 Fields in CSV log (+ = included; - = not included)

Config parameters are OK Press ? + Enter to get help about the commands

Cmd to execute: DT = 23-10-18T11:04 Wrong command: command is discarded

Version = 0.0.10 Fields in CSV log (+ = included; - = not included)

Config parameters are OK Press ? + Enter to get help about the commands

mstrens commented 9 months ago

I uploaded 0.0.11 I think that DT = YYYY... was wel processed but the error msg was still given (by mistake). I also fixed the YYYY and MM (add 1900 and 1).

So I hope logger is ok. I still could add a check in order to discard RTC for updating creation timestamp of log file when RTC YYYY is less than 2023. This would still give the opportunity to update the timestamp when there is a GPS and no RTC backup battery.

For the issue about oXs RPM, I still have to analyse. But I will be out for some hours this PM

Satcomix commented 9 months ago

Ver.0.0.11 works !!! Then I can do other things now, until this evening about 18:00 clock Berlin time. :-))

Rebooted by Watchdog!

Config parameters are OK Press ? + Enter to get help about the commands

Type any character to begin +++++++++++

Autoprobing for a RTC... Autoprobe found MCP7941x at 0x6F Calibration: 0 log file will be in oXsLog017.csv ---- RTC year = 2023 ---- RTC month = 10 ---- RTC day = 18 end of setup No data within 37124

Version = 0.0.11 Fields in CSV log (+ = included; - = not included)

Config parameters are OK Press ? + Enter to get help about the commands

Cmd to execute: DT = 23-10-18T12:30 first char = 32