mstrens / oXs_on_RP2040

version of openXsensor to be used on raspberry pi pico RP2040 (more protocols, more functionalities)
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config.h #125

Closed secretman28 closed 4 months ago

secretman28 commented 4 months ago

if i want to set my gpio pin fora all in one flash exemple

define _pinChannels_1 0XFF

define _pinChannels_2 0XFF

define _pinChannels_3 0XFF

define _pinChannels_4 0XFF

define _pinChannels_5 0XFF

define _pinChannels_6 0XFF

define _pinChannels_7 0XFF

define _pinChannels_8 0XFF

define _pinChannels_9 0XFF

define _pinChannels_10 0XFF

define _pinChannels_11 0XFF

define _pinChannels_12 0XFF

define _pinChannels_13 0XFF

define _pinChannels_14 0XFF

define _pinChannels_15 0XFF

define _pinChannels_16 0XFF

did 0xff will be the gpio pin? or i need to find the right hex? can i do 👍

define _pinChannels_1 0

define _pinChannels_2 1

define _pinChannels_3 2

define _pinChannels_4 3

define _pinChannels_5 4

define _pinChannels_6 5

etc... ??

mstrens commented 4 months ago

If you want to avoid having to send commands via usb/serial to setup your oXs, you can use the defines in config.h So you can use

define _pinChannels_1 0

define _pinChannels_2 1

define _pinChannels_3 2

define _pinChannels_4 3

define _pinChannels_5 4

define _pinChannels_6 5

... Still this is taken into account only if you flash a new rp2040 (one with a totally clean flash memory). If you already saved some parameters in the rp2040, it will used the saved parameters (and not those defines from the config.h). You can clear totally the rp2040 flash memory using the flash_nuke.uf2 file that is available in the doc folder. Upload this file before uploading oXs program.

secretman28 commented 4 months ago

perfect tanks!

secretman28 commented 4 months ago

an other question, with new release enter dont get a list of what is already set you change the command its not enter we need to input a command?

secretman28 commented 4 months ago

sry just saw other post my bad

mstrens commented 4 months ago

Enter alone should display the current setup. ? should display the list of commands Do not forget to apply "save" command after one or several changes. After "save", you should best make a power off/on

secretman28 commented 4 months ago

need nl & cr for enter to work, all good apreciated you take the time to answer