Conforma server currently checks if emails are valid with a regex expression which can be more strict than front end checks.
In the create internal user workflow (angola snapshot, and possibly other cases), it will fail quietly with certain email addresses when attempting to create a new account.
The form will appear to be processed but will not create a new user as no valid emails are found.
Easiest fix in this case is probably to update the regex expression in the front end also, however this is liable to happen elsewhere when these expressions are changed.
I am thinking best outcome is more loudly failing when email is invalid.
Conforma server currently checks if emails are valid with a regex expression which can be more strict than front end checks.
In the create internal user workflow (angola snapshot, and possibly other cases), it will fail quietly with certain email addresses when attempting to create a new account.
The form will appear to be processed but will not create a new user as no valid emails are found.
Easiest fix in this case is probably to update the regex expression in the front end also, however this is liable to happen elsewhere when these expressions are changed.
I am thinking best outcome is more loudly failing when email is invalid.