msurguy / background-blur

Ultra light cross browser image blurring plugin for jQuery
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Possibility to choose width 100% for responsive design? #3

Open dantahoua opened 9 years ago

dantahoua commented 9 years ago

The only problem I found is that when your resize the screen, the blured svg do not change size. Not a problem if you go from larger to smaller but the other way let a big empty space... I changed the width of the SVG to "100%" and it's better, even if the ratio is not good, at least it's not empty... Any idea there to keep the aspect ratio?

codycurley commented 9 years ago


enoversum commented 9 years ago


ericpoulinnz commented 9 years ago


tadwohlrapp commented 8 years ago

Here's a possible solution:

I added this to my index.html

// Get all heights on window load
// This is necessary to get the correct outerHeight values
// See:

// Calculate real height of the content  
  contentheight =
    $("header").outerHeight(true) +
    $("main").outerHeight(true) +

// If calculated content height is smaller than the window
// set the container height to window height.
// Otherwise set it to match the content height 
    if (contentheight < $(window).height()) {
    } else {

// background-blur.js
    imageURL : 'images/bg2.jpg',
    blurAmount : 7,
    imageClass : 'bg-blur',
    overlayClass : 'bg-blur-overlay'

// Function on window resize
$(window).resize(function() {

// Compare the heights again, just like before
  if (contentheight < $(window).height()) {
  } else {

// Small fix to get the "viewBox" attribute case sensitive
// See here:
  $.attrHooks['viewbox'] = {
    set: function(elem, value, name) {
      elem.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', value + '');
      return value;

// Setting variables for dynamic width and height
  var dynamicwidth = $( ".container" ).width();
  var dynamicheight = $( ".container" ).height();

// Updating attributes
  $(".bg-blur").attr("width", dynamicwidth).attr("height", dynamicheight);
  $(".bg-blur").attr("viewBox", "0 0 " + dynamicwidth + " " + dynamicheight); 

Then I just updated my background-blur.js like this:

line 255: change preserveAspectRatio: 'none' to preserveAspectRatio: 'xMidYMid slice' line 271: change width: width, to width: '100%', line 272: change height: height, to height: '100%', line 276: change preserveAspectRatio: 'none' to preserveAspectRatio: 'xMidYMid slice'

I'm still learning Javascript, so the code may be a bit messy. But it get's the job done for me.

Tested in Chrome, Firefox and Edge

Working Demo here