I run several times, but they failed not in the same position but all in 95%.
I delete the multi-threaded content in makefile
klee-uclibc: $(KLEE_UCLIBC_DIR)
cd $(KLEE_UCLIBC_DIR) && ./configure --make-llvm-lib && make -j2
klee-uclibc: $(KLEE_UCLIBC_DIR)
cd $(KLEE_UCLIBC_DIR) && ./configure --make-llvm-lib && make
It passed finally.
The similar issue came when I build the docker image, again failed at about 95%, so I have to delete the multi-threaded -j.
I don't know why multi-threaded make infects the results.
Thank you for pointing this out. I will remove -j2 from the Dockerfile. I think the crash might be due to insufficient memory, because linking Clang uses quite a lot of memory.
Hi Sergey,
After using the Dockerfile to build and enter the docker, run activate. When I run make default, it failed with:
I run several times, but they failed not in the same position but all in 95%.
I delete the multi-threaded content in makefile
It passed finally. The similar issue came when I build the docker image, again failed at about 95%, so I have to delete the multi-threaded -j. I don't know why multi-threaded make infects the results.