msx80 / DoorsOfDoomOmicron

Doors of Doom
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 2 forks source link

How do compile this game? #1

Open mdtrooper opened 1 month ago

mdtrooper commented 1 month ago

I found your game in fdroid, and it is awesome.

But, I don't know how compile this game.

Could I use android studio?

msx80 commented 1 month ago

Thanks a lot man! :)

Short answer: you can compile with a jdk 8 with the following commands:

mvn -f doorsofdoom/pom.xml clean install mvn -f android-mvn/pom.xml clean install android:apk

The build doesn't use Gradle and can't be opened with android studio.

You can also simply run the game with: mvn clean compile exec:exec

endingisnight commented 2 weeks ago

@msx80 why not also have build releases in well.. the releases?

msx80 commented 1 week ago

@endingisnight uhm sounds right :)