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Pull in dependencies from staging recursively #59

Closed mmuetzel closed 1 year ago

mmuetzel commented 1 year ago

I might be misunderstanding. But IIUC, mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-ogre3d is currently failing to build in staging because it depends on mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-bullet which has a new dependency mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-openvr. That dependency currently only exists in staging. IIUC, it isn't pulled in in the first round of detecting dependencies because the mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-bullet in release doesn't have that dependency yet. Try to handle that by pulling in dependencies recursively.

To be honest, Python isn't my strong suite. So, please check carefully if these changes make any sense.

lazka commented 1 year ago

In theory the "what deps are needed" part is handled by the API, and it only uses the git repo content and not anything in the pacman repo to decide what is needed, it only uses the repo to decide if a package needs to be built at all:

curl -s "" | jq '.[] | select(.name=="mingw-w64-ogre3d") | .builds.clangarm64'

maybe there is a bug there.

edit: yeah, looks like it

lazka commented 1 year ago

ah, the bullet defines dependencies in the wrong place, thus openvr is missing:

$ MINGW_ARCH=clangarm64 makepkg-mingw --printsrcinfo
pkgbase = mingw-w64-bullet
        pkgdesc = A 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library for games and animation (mingw-w64)
        pkgver = 3.24
        pkgrel = 2
        url =
        arch = any
        license = spdx:Zlib
        makedepends = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-cmake
        makedepends = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-cc
        makedepends = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-ninja
        makedepends = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-freeglut
        makedepends = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-openvr
        makedepends = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-python3
        makedepends = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-python3-numpy
        depends = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-gcc-libs
        conflicts = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-bullet-debug
        options = !strip
        options = staticlibs
        source = bullet-3.24.tar.gz::
        source = mingw-allow-shared-builds.patch
        source = fix-runtime-install.patch
        source = install-openvr-only-msvc.patch
        source = 0004-no-glad.patch
        source = 0005-robotsimulator.patch
        source = 0006-pybullet.patch
        source = 0007-twojoint.patch
        source = 0008-bulletrobotics.patch
        source = 0009-bulletroboticsgui.patch
        sha256sums = 6b1e987d6f8156fa8a6468652f4eaad17b3e11252c9870359e5bca693e35780b
        sha256sums = 10b99560cc5e36a68dfff2d06d962fd7bbc02c728046e51f2a839ab9e1c4172b
        sha256sums = 942fb30ef816428f009fbde7ef955d6f23fb5d69ccb267d043f3efff8f43290c
        sha256sums = bc089e5ffac4b0d902a0b2fea9db8645ab385ee62ba82a3d739b00c272ed45fb
        sha256sums = 6925e0cea09588910daa066ad25da767158751e893f96f1f9d99bdca7c826ce1
        sha256sums = e55cb628baa0929c2557af8c8da8e4857ecc1d584b8b30edcf2057af32342d5b
        sha256sums = bf127f379a01f5300885303e5c6a70de5f9476d25b6ecf118f7b85c830418d2d
        sha256sums = 49c66a34165e1fc984ed5c3588e01493fa8d6b50061e1dbf907a826ab64dfa8b
        sha256sums = e9e00bb15300d15df398a8951cc6a32963722b31114ffdb32c41e879ffeee22d
        sha256sums = ae0949043cdeee9156e583b72575345b098da7ac0679ce43ae77d95f5c33e37f

pkgname = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-bullet
        optdepends = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-python-pybullet=3.24-2: python binding

pkgname = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-python-pybullet
        pkgdesc = Bullet Python bindings (mingw-w64)
        depends = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-bullet=3.24-2
        depends = mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-python3-numpy
lazka commented 1 year ago

potentially fixed in

mmuetzel commented 1 year ago

Aaah! Nice catch!

Thanks for explaining. 👍