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makepkg: `lint_pkgbuild` is slow #19

Open sskras opened 1 year ago

sskras commented 1 year ago


I tried building newest msys2/MINGW-packages/mingw-w64-clang.

Every time I run makepkg-mingw, things after Building mingw64... and before Making package: mingw-w64-clang 14.0.6-6 take ~90-120 seconds to complete:


My machine has i5-6200U CPU running @ 2.30GHz:


Is this expected? And why?


Windows Version

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1889]

MINGW environments affected

Expected behavior

Tried tracing the scripts using set -x. Looks like it's doing a lot of Bash processing. Big part of which seems to be repetitive.

Eg. I noticed the Bash function lint_pkgbuild() coming from pacman/scripts/libmakepkg and occurring at the start of my trace.

I expect to know the root cause of this step taking so relatively long to complete. And whether is this expected.

Actual behavior

The initial step takes ~90-120 seconds to complete.

Repro steps

1. Download the files:

$ mkdir temp
$ cd temp
$ git clone

2. Go into the Clang dir:

$ cd MINGW-packages/mingw-w64-clang/

3. Start makepkg & stop it just before the build:

$ time makepkg-mingw -sCLf |& sed '/Making package/ q'; pkill -f bash./usr/bin/makepkg
lazka commented 1 year ago

I always disable linting because of this recently... Yeah, might be a good idea to make it opt in.

lazka commented 1 year ago

Excluding the msys2 dir from defender also helps a lot

lazka commented 1 year ago

I've created

Feedback welcome

sskras commented 1 year ago

@lazka, thanks for the efforts.

Another question goes about the actual parsing implementation.

@MehdiChinoune commented yesterday:

It is expected because It is a split package. msys2/MSYS2-packages#2593

As the original issue is already closed, I quote and comment it here:

@lazka commented on Jul 31, 2021 in msys2/MINGW-packages#2593:

not much we can do I think.. lots of forks..

I struggle at analyzing all the related Bash code at the moment. Could you please summarize:

lazka commented 1 year ago

I struggle at analyzing all the related Bash code at the moment. Could you please summarize:

* Why is such heavy forking needed to parse PKGFILEs ?

because it's fast on Linux, and pacman is primarily developed for Linux.

* Could it be rewritten in another language and so avoid forking more easily ?

Tricky since PKGBUILD files are written in bash. Someone would have to speed things up without complicating the code too much, and propose that to upstream.

I see some potential by evaluating functions once and then re-using that for further checks, but that's no small change.

sskras commented 1 year ago

I see some potential by evaluating functions once and then re-using that for further checks, but that's no small change.

Thanks. And I am yet to see the forking source (no pun intended:)

IOW I believe that eval works without invoking fork(). Eg.: What's the difference between eval and exec?

eval will run the arguments as a command in the current shell. In other words eval foo bar is the same as just foo bar. But variables will be expanded before executing, so we can execute commands saved in shell variables:

$ unset bar
$ cmd="bar=foo"
$ eval "$cmd"
$ echo "$bar"

It will not create a child process, so the variable is set in the current shell. (Of course eval /bin/ls will create a child process, the same way a plain old /bin/ls would.)

I guess I will need to dedicate some days into diving into the set of related Bash scripts anyways.

lazka commented 1 year ago

You can run bash -x /usr/bin/makepkg --printsrcinfo to see what it's doing

just as an example, the following contains some parts of the code involved:


for i in {1..1000}
    while read -r; do
    done < <(echo "")

This takes:

sskras commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I added some traces to the scripts and found this little guy called extract_function_variable() invoking subshells:


Here it runs grep_function "$funcname" "$attr_regex" like this:

grep_function "package_mingw-w64-x86_64-clang" "^[[:space:]]* checkdepends_any\+?=[^(]"

... which in turn does some parsing by executing declare -f for the funcname and piping it to grep:

{ declare -f "package_mingw-w64-x86_64-clang" || declare -f package; } 2>/dev/null | grep -E "^[[:space:]]* checkdepends_any\+?=[^(]"

@lazka, do you know (why) is using subshell absolutely needed here? Wouldn't the same parsing work by the means of eval ?

sskras commented 1 year ago

Thanks for fixing the title (you beat me to it:)

Maybe it's worth reporting to the upstream?

sskras commented 1 year ago

OK, it seems my thought was wrong. I tried to move the grep_function ... upper and pipe it to the looped read directly:

 92         grep_function "$funcname" "$attr_regex" | \
 93         while read -r; do

This (unexpectedly) increased running time by the 18%, it's 110s => 130s!

Before the change:

real    1m50.572s
user    0m20.097s
sys     0m45.337s

After the change:

real    2m10.283s
user    0m23.358s
sys     0m59.751s

I guess, the fork()+exec() combo occurs to launch grep anyways, still incurring a big timing cost on Windows. Sorry for the noise.

sskras commented 1 year ago

OK, I tried to use Bash ERE matching instead. The inspiration:

For that I used operator =~ inside [[ ... ]] and the BASH_REMATCH array. The PoC:


The ASCII diff ``` --- usr/share/makepkg/util/ 2022-09-02 13:25:59.000000000 +0300 +++ /usr/share/makepkg/util/ 2022-09-18 11:42:26.713924400 +0300 @@ -31,7 +31,15 @@ } grep_function() { - { declare -f "$1" || declare -f package; } 2>/dev/null | grep -E "$2" + # Strip ^ (the beginning-of-a-line) symbol from the original regex: + REGEX="${2/#^/}" + # 1. Replace ^ with \n (to work in a multiline string); + # 2. wrap the regex into the "(...)" parentheses (to match the whole line later); + # 3. append any-chars-before-the-end-of-a-line to the original regex (to capture remainder of the line): + REGEX_BASH=$'\n('$REGEX$'[^\n]*)' + + FUNC_BODY="$({ declare -f "$1" || declare -f package; } 2>/dev/null)" + if [[ $FUNC_BODY =~ $REGEX_BASH ]]; then echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"; fi } array_build() { ```

This alone gave me ~30% or ~30s decrease (96 => 67) in running time of makepkg --printsrcinfo PKGBUILD.

The potential issue with the PoC at the moment is that it doesn't handle the next matching lines of the same function.

Though this could be worked around by multiplying REGEX_BASH into something like this in a loop: ${REGEX_BASH}.*${REGEX_BASH}.*${REGEX_BASH}.*${REGEX_BASH}<...>

Not sure if my PoC is worth of extending. The running time is still quite long: ~1m7s on my machine. I wonder how long would it take the makepkg to do the same using Linux (no installation at hand).