msys2 / msys2-pacman

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GNU General Public License v2.0
21 stars 12 forks source link allow split packages for MINGW packages #34

Open jannick0 opened 6 months ago

jannick0 commented 6 months ago


I did not look around of how to call the scripts to automagically move this change into the pacman package. Could you please point me where to start or could you propagate to pacman's PKGBUILD and Co.?

The script below run from the top directory of MINGW-packages removes the then obsolete wrappers (dynamically generating PKGBUILD functions prefixed with ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-). See comment in code for option to not increase PKGREL.

#! /usr/bin/bash

while IFS= read -r p; do
awk '
  { gsub(/\s+$/,""); }
  # comment out next line if PKGREL should NOT be increased by 1.
  /^pkgrel=[0-9]+$/ { gsub(/^pkgrel=/,""); print "pkgrel=" ($0+1); next; }
  /template start; name=mingw-w64-splitpkg-wrappers;/ { exit; }
  /^\s*$/{ nls++; next; }
  { if(nls){for(i=1;i<=nls;i++)print "";nls=0;} print; }' "$p" > "$p.tmp" && mv "$p.tmp" "$p"
done < <(grep -l 'mingw-w64-splitpkg-wrappers;' */PKGBUILD)

Off-topic: Interested in generating debug packages with makepkg? If yes I could then try to get something up and running, for GCC in the first place at least. Later for CLANG ... hopefully.