msys2 / setup-msys2

GitHub Action to setup MSYS2
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PKG_CONFIG_PATH not exported from windows to msys2 #171

Closed eyal0 closed 2 years ago

eyal0 commented 2 years ago

This is a new error that I'm getting in GitHub CI. It started about 2 weeks ago. Seems like cygpath might be provided by git for windows, which I have never explicitly installed... Maybe GitHub changed something about their environment and cygpath is no longer in there?

/usr/bin/bash: line 1: cygpath: command not found
/usr/bin/bash: line 1: source: filename argument required
source: usage: source filename [arguments]
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
Biswa96 commented 2 years ago

Please provide your GHA yml file or minimal sample to reproduce your issue.

eyal0 commented 2 years ago

It's probably due to the craziness that I try to make msys behave like bash in my scripts. Getting a single script to work for both unix and windows is a pain.

It would be nice is GITHUB_ENV and PKG_CONFIG_PATH just plain worked instead of all the workarounds needed for github ci.

eine commented 2 years ago

With path-type: inherit, those envvars should work.

eyal0 commented 2 years ago

I'll try it again. I had a very convoluted solution to my problem many months ago that stopped working 2-3 weeks ago. I'll go back to the simply solution and see if it is working for me.

eine commented 2 years ago

That might be because the default installation path changed (#163). If you were relying on absolute and hardcoded paths, you might need to fix those.

Biswa96 commented 2 years ago

Getting a single script to work for both unix and windows is a pain.

You could check msys2 specific environment variables in the shell script. Like MSYSTEM=mingw64 or OSTYPE=msys etc.

eine commented 2 years ago

@Biswa96, see #104 for context.

eyal0 commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I had a really bad solution. I'm going to try to make it work cleanly. Maybe all that I ever needed was path-inherit? I thought that I had done the first time that I tried and I didn't succeed. But maybe I didn't try it enough or maybe path-inherit works better now?

Either way, I'll give it a go!

eine commented 2 years ago

There were some changes in the virtual environments provided by GitHub. Previously MSYS2's PATH was added by default, and several packages were preinstalled. Therefore, inheriting that in the clean installation might produce conflicts. Now, in windows-2022 no extra packages are preinstalled, and I'm unsure about having it pre-added to the PATH. Anyway, I would give it a try again.

eyal0 commented 2 years ago

@eine I've tried using path-inherit but I'm not getting the result that I expect.

In my CI, I have a place where I'm printing out the entire environment. Here's what it looks like:


You can see where I'm adding the variables for PKG_CONFIG_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and PATH.

Here's where I'm printing the env by running the env command in msys2:


You can see that the CI is honoring my environment changes. But that's in the environment to windows, not to Unix! It's up to msys to "inherit" that.

Here's the output of env for the PATH variable:


I can see my $HOME/.local in there, so that's good! What about PKG_CONFIG_PATH?


Nope. Unlike PATH, where the variable is copied from the windows environment into the msys environment, PKG_CONFIG_PATH is not! This is why I had to do that big kludge. It would be nice if PKG_CONFIG_PATH got the same treatment as PATH. I've even settle for having all the windows environment variables copied over into new names so that I could at least use them inside of msys and do it myself!

For now, I have no solution. I could add source $GITHUB_ENV to every single rule in the CI but that's pretty ugly! I tried to add that into the shell but it's really difficult, too, because GitHub has expectations about how that shell command will look.

What can I do to fix this?

eyal0 commented 2 years ago

With path-type: inherit, those envvars should work.

They don't. :-( Do you have a CI output that I can look at which proves otherwise?

eyal0 commented 2 years ago

You can see here where PATH gets special handling:


eyal0 commented 2 years ago

@eine Okay, I found a solution to my problem. I'll describe it here and the different things that I tried. Hopefully it will save someone time in the future. If you don't have time to read it, here's the trick: Use ~/.bash_profile instead of $GITHUB_ENV for everything.


Attempt 1: $GITHUB_ENV

We want to use a single GitHub CI for all builds, macos, Windows, and Ubuntu. This makes our CI smaller and more manageable. macos and unix are pretty easy because they are mostly compatible but Windows is a little trickier, especially about the environment variables! The issue is that if you put something like this in your CI:

- name: Set env variable FOO to bar
  run: |
      echo "FOO=bar" >> $GITHUB_ENV

It will set the variable in the environments for macos and for ubuntu, but it won't work the same for Windows. That's because it is setting the environment variable in the windows environment, which is, like the powershell. But you want the environment variable set inside of msys2.

Attempt 2: path-type: inherit

The solution should be to use path-type: inherit. You can read about how it works. If you look at the code for it here and here, you'll see that inherit only affects PATH and not other things that you might set, like PKG_CONFIG_PATH. That's a bummer because we'd like those to work, too.

Attempt 3: source a different file

One solution would be to instead write to a different file, maybe called ~/my_env and then source it at each command. So you would need to modify every single command in your CI file to have a source line at the top. Like this:

       - run: |
         source ~/.my_env

That's annoying! We don't want to have to do that.

Attempt 4: source it in the shell

GitHub will let you change the shell command for your platform. So you might try something like this:

        shell: source ~/my_env; /bin/bash {0}

Now it should source your file before running the shell each time. I tried that but it didn't work. GitHub was complaining that source wasn't an executable file on the disk. That's true, source is a command that bash know about, it's not a file that can be executed.

Attempt 5: Put it in .bashrc

We know that bash will always run .bashrc before it starts. So we could just put the lines that we want in .bashrc. However, one problem: .bashrc is only run for interactive shells. This is described in the man page for bash:

       When an interactive shell that is not a login shell is started, bash reads and executes commands from /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc, if these files exist.  This may be inhibited by  us‐
       ing the --norc option.  The --rcfile file option will force bash to read and execute commands from file instead of /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc.

So we need to make bash interactive. So we need to modify the shell to be interactive.

        shell: source ~/my_env; /bin/bash -i {0}

This causes other problems, though, because if the shell is interactive then some of the stuff that you do in your CI will behave differently and your tests will fail in a weird way. So this is no good.

Attempt 6: Put it in .bash_login.

~/.bash_login is run only for login shells. And we can fake that by running bash with a -l. So that's a good technique for us!


So in the end, here's what the CI script could looks like:

    name: ${{ matrix.os }}_job
        os: [ubuntu, macos, windows]
          - os: windows
            shell: msys2 {0}
          - os: ubuntu
            shell: '/usr/bin/bash -l -e -o pipefail {0}'
          - os: macos
            shell: '/bin/bash -l -e -o pipefail {0}'
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}-latest
        shell: ${{ }}
    - name: Setup paths and env
      run: |
        rm -f ~/.bash_profile
        echo "export FOO=bar" >> ~/.bash_profile

What this does is:

That's it! Now a single CI will work for windows and ubuntu and macos. The pcb2gcode project is using this successfully with a fairly complicated build for all three platforms and they all use the same steps, more or less.