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[Task] poprawić commit stage w piepeline #94

Closed msz13 closed 2 years ago

msz13 commented 2 years ago

Uruchomić "commit stage" na pipelinie.



msz13 commented 2 years ago


Pipeline jeden 1.. Workflow.. a. jobs/steps

  1. Build a. Install dependencies b. Nx affected: test c. Nx efexted: integration-test d. Nz affected e. Nx affected: build f. Nx affected: build-image g. checkout env repo g. update image tag

Pipeline jeden - dwa etapy acceptance testing

  1. Build a. Install dependencies b. Nx affected: test c. Nx efexted: integration-test d. Nz affected e. Nx affected: build f. Nx affected: build-image
  2. Deploy to preview environment (k3s)
  3. Nx zapisywarka-acceptance test a. Nx zapisywarka-acceptance test - exlude in progress stories b. Nx zapisywarka-acceptance test - in progress stories - jobs..steps[*].continue-on-error
  4. Deploy to staging

Pipeline jeden

  1. Build a. Install dependencies b. Nx affected: test c. Nx efexted: integration-test d. Nz affected e. Nx affected: build f. Nx affected: build-image
  2. Deploy to preview environment (k3s)
  3. Nx zapisywarka-acceptance test
  4. Deploy to staging

Pipeline dwa rozne joby

  1. Set affected projects name
  2. Build api – if contains({{$affected-apps}}, “api”) a. Nx affected: test b. Nx efexted: integration-test c. Nz affected d. Nx affected: build e. Nx api build-image f. Deploy to preview environment g. Nx api e2e
  3. Build web if affected web a. Nx affected: test b. Nx efexted: integration-test c. Nx: affected: visual0check (ewentualnie w e2e) d. Nx affected: build e. Nx web: build-image f. Deploy to preview environment (k3s) g. Nx web e2e
  4. Deploy to staging

Pipeline dwa rozne joby, jeden test

  1. Set affected projects name
  2. Build api – if contains({{$affected-apps}}, “api”) a. Nx affected: test b. Nx efexted: integration-test c. Nz affected d. Nx affected: build e. Nx api build-image
  3. Build web if affected web a. Nx affected: test b. Nx efexted: integration-test c. Nx: affected: visual0check (ewentualnie w e2e) d. Nx affected: build e. Nx web: build-image
  4. Acceptance test a. Runs k3s cluster b. Deploy apps c. nx zapisywarka-acceptance-test –-filter Category={{affected}} (trudno zrobić odpowiedni filter)

pozniej rozdzielic poszczegolne futeres na projektu, aby zoptymalizowac buildy

msz13 commented 2 years ago

Zasady tagowania

albo tagować image github actions worlfow

Statusy kontenera przy continous delivery:

Statusy kontenera przy continous deployement:

Statusy repo:

Versioning artefaktów: oddzielnie dla aplikacji, albo razem, np. 1.. Odzielnie: web0.1, api0.1, api.0.2, web0.1

  1. Razem web0.1, api0.2, api.03, web0.4
msz13 commented 2 years ago


msz13 commented 2 years ago

Release strategy:

  1. Częstotliwość na produkcję: w normalnych warunkach: codziennie lub co spring
  2. Teraz: nie ma produkcji
  3. Strategia continous delivery??
  4. Promocja środowisk: preview, staging


  1. Feature: planed, developed, tested, PO Accepted, deploed (np. beta users, second users, all)
  2. Artifact (container image) - build, tested, deployed to staging, deployed to production
  3. Code - ??

Konwencja nazw commitow/pr: rodzaj, zakres web/api-nazwa lib, comment, pr ref i yser story reg feat(web-rejestracja): add ui component (#1234) (story-#1123)

msz13 commented 2 years ago

Release to production:

msz13 commented 2 years ago

rodzaje tagow:

wymagania - aby łatwo po wersji imaga było znależć odpowiednią wersję kodu

msz13 commented 2 years ago

do zrobienia: