mszep / pandoc_resume

The Markdown Resume
MIT License
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Pipelines #60

Open nitrocode opened 4 years ago

nitrocode commented 4 years ago

Would be nice to have a github pipeline to build out the resume artifacts. I'm currently using the following for gitlab where my repo is hosted.



  DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375/
  DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2

  name: docker/compose:1.22.0 # update tag to whatever version you want to use.
  entrypoint: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]

  - docker:dind

  - docker version
  - docker-compose version

  stage: build
    - docker-compose up -d
      - output/*.pdf
mszep commented 4 years ago

I love this idea. Unfortunately I don't have time to implement it, but I'd happily accept a PR that does.

nitrocode commented 4 years ago

Ya it would be cool. Dunno if it's possible using Github Actions but it's probably possible using circleci or travisci

mszep commented 3 years ago

@nitrocode Just messing around with this; it seems to be possible in principle to mimic your gitlab pipeline in github actions, but I can't get it to work: what I think is happening is docker-compose up -d builds the containers directly, but as soon as that's done, the command returns and the job is done, without leaving time for the command: make part to be executed on the container.

Wondering how the same thing doesn't happen in gitlab, would you happen to have any idea?