mszostok / codeowners-validator

The GitHub CODEOWNERS file validator
Apache License 2.0
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Migrate the validation for checking if team has a proper perms from REST to GraphQL #21

Open mszostok opened 4 years ago

mszostok commented 4 years ago


On this PR functionality that was added for checking perms is probably not working properly with GitHub teams.


njegosrailic commented 4 years ago

It's not working properly. I'll take a look soon because I have introduced this issue.

mszostok commented 4 years ago

the problem is that in current approach we are checking team permission entry which is out-dated

It no longer identifies thepermission a team has on its repos, but only specifies the default permission a repo is initially added with.


what we need to do is to list the team repos and then check the permission:

func teamHasPermissions(team *github.Team, repoName string) (bool, error) {
    repos, _, err := ghClient.Teams.ListTeamRepos(ctx, team.GetID(), nil)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    for _, r := range repos {
        if r.GetName() == repoName {
            var (
                perm     = r.GetPermissions()
                hasAdmin = containsPerm(perm, "admin")
                hasPush  = containsPerm(perm, "push")
            return hasAdmin || hasPush, nil

    return false, nil

func containsPerm(perms map[string]bool, name string) bool {
    perm, _ := perms[name]
    return perm == true

other option is to use Review a user's permission level but it works currently only with users

mszostok commented 3 years ago

Probably the best option is to use the GraphQL query to remove the overfetching problme, example query:

  organization(login: "gh-codeowners") {
    teams(first: 2) {
      pageInfo {
      nodes {
        repositories(query: "codeowners-sample") {
          nodes {
          edges {

can be used in

mszostok commented 3 years ago

This issue was solved by #62. I do not close it because we can recheck if it is worth to change the implemented logic from REST to GraphQL.

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