mt-from-sf-to-gh / bugs

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Tour Reimport altitude only = ascent/descent not reimported #127

Closed mt-from-sf-to-gh closed 2 years ago

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 3 years ago

Hello, I do each time altitude corrections, and save. After saving, i need to go back to initial fit file data --> i reimport tour from fit.

With current version : either altitude reimport only, or even complete tour reimport, gives me same result : altitude graph (values)is well reimported but total ascent/descent is still the one before reimport (= the one calculated and saved after altitude correction). Only way to get initial values = delete tour and begin from scratch.

here is small screenshots : 1 = initial tour values 2 = values after altitude correction 3 = altitude or whole tour reimport logs

example : create tour = import fit file altitude correction = altitude start=altitude end --> ascent change from 271m to 300m reimport fit file altitude --> altitude values reimported but ascent still 300m reimport all tour --> same effect Need to delete tour and reimport from scratch.

1 = initial tour values

2 = values after altitude correction

3 = altitude or whole tour reimport logs

Reported by: mff73

Original Ticket: mytourbook/bugs/125

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 3 years ago


--- old
+++ new
@@ -17,3 +17,8 @@
 reimport all tour --> same effect
 Need to delete tour and reimport from scratch.


Original comment by: wolfgang-ch

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 3 years ago


--- old
+++ new
@@ -17,8 +17,11 @@
 reimport all tour --> same effect
 Need to delete tour and reimport from scratch.

+1 = initial tour values

+2 = values after altitude correction

+3 = altitude or whole tour reimport logs

Original comment by: wolfgang-ch

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 3 years ago

Original comment by: wolfgang-ch

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 3 years ago

Fixed in

Original comment by: wolfgang-ch

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 3 years ago

I don't understand the code, but i trust your fix, waiting for release to use it, thanks for this.

Original comment by: mff73