mt-from-sf-to-gh / features

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File Import Enhancement / Support Movescount GPX Files #125

Closed mt-from-sf-to-gh closed 2 years ago

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 9 years ago

Hello MyTourbook team,

unfortunately, it is not possible to import gpx files which were created (exported) via Movescount (Suunto). Error message: File Format not supported. With older versions of MyTourbook the file was imported but then the data was corrupt.

So my current solution is to load the Movescount gpx file into QLandkarteGT and simply save the data (via QLandkarteGT) to a gpx file again. The new gpx file can be imported into MyTourbook.

My preferred solution would be to be able to import the Movescount gpx file directly.

You might find the two attached gpx files helpful to see what the difference is between a Movescount gpx file and a QLankarteGT gpx file.

Thanks in advance.



Reported by: veryfirstuser

Original Ticket: mytourbook/feature-requests/123

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 9 years ago

Original comment by: wolfgang-ch

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 9 years ago

The problem in file Movescount_Suunto.gpx is, that it is not xml well formed, it do not contain this xml header.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

In older versions of MyTourbook the xml well formed check is not done.

In the next version, .gpx files which are not xml well formed are supported.

Original comment by: wolfgang-ch

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 9 years ago

That was quick - Thank you!

Note: Although older versions of MyTourbook could import Suunto's (not well formed) xml files, the imported data was not correct anymore. E.g. 20,345 km became 20.345 km. That's why I could not import any 'Suunto xml file' so far. It seems QLandkarteGT also fixes this issue when doing an import/export.

Original comment by: veryfirstuser