mt-from-sf-to-gh / features

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Feature request : New average speed graph #171

Open mt-from-sf-to-gh opened 4 years ago

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 4 years ago


I've discovered this application a few days ago and I must say that I am a big, big fan. When I was using a Mac, I've used an application called Rubitrack.

This application has a very useful (for me) graph which displays the average speed per km for the whole tour.

I don't if my explainations are correct, but I've made a quick and dirty python app just to illustrate the graph.

I've attached a screenshot, the graph I want is at the left.

I don't know if this graph is very complicated to make, I've downloaded Eclipse and imported the code, but I'm no Java programmer and frankly I don't understand anything for now :(

As I don't know which priority is the lowest, fell free to downgrade the priority to the lowest one.

Thanks for listening to me.

Reported by: oupsman45fr

Original Ticket: mytourbook/feature-requests/177

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 4 years ago

Original comment by: FJBDev

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 4 years ago

Interesting feature request... For my own curiosity, what does this new "Average speed" graph bring compared to the already existing "speed" graph ?

I won't change the priority but users can up/down vote this request if needed.

Also, since you seem to be a programmer, feel free to check out the documentation on how to get Eclipse setup to modify the MT source code and maybe do this request yourself? We could always have more MT contributors :-) ?

Original comment by: FJBDev

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 4 years ago

I think my explainations are not clear, sorry.

It's an histogram which displays the average speed per kilometer, for each kilometer of the ride. I can try to attach a screenshot made from a shorter ride if you want.

I don't have much experience in developpement, I'm trying to understand how to create my own graph, but for now, I can't understand the organisation of the source code. But I'll get to it in 6 months or so.

PS : the link to Eclipse's settings in github in broken.

Original comment by: oupsman45fr

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 4 years ago


I am also interrested in this feauture. But to go further, I would also be interested to have an average "live" speed curve on the already existing speed graph. The idea is to know the average speed evolution during the activity. Perhaps this can be mixed with the histogram request as it also deals with average speed.

Original comment by: GurVJ

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 4 years ago

There were 6 broken links in the website, they are now fixed. The reason for the broken links was, I renamed the master branch into main branch.

Since yesterday, the settings for the code formatter are now forced automatically in the MT Eclipse projects, so you don't have to care about these settings.

Original comment by: wolfgang-ch

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 4 years ago


your explanations are clear, I was more wondering how you use this "average speed" data in your training. What does it tell you ? How does it help your training ?

Original comment by: FJBDev

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 3 years ago

When comparing two (or more) rides, I can see where I was faster and on which segment I have to work on. Because the instant speed is not really relevant for this.

Original comment by: oupsman45fr

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 3 years ago

Interesting... I didn't know this. Maybe I can use it to compare my running segments and tours :-)

Original comment by: FJBDev

mt-from-sf-to-gh commented 3 years ago

I believe that the "Tour Marker" view shows the data that would be presented in a histogram. It doesn't show it graphically but may be useful nonetheless. Furthermore the Tour Marker view synchronizes with the 2D Tour Map to show where on the tour the leg took place. The other thing which might be of interest is the "Tour Color" configured for speed which shows a graphical view of the speed using a color gradient on the tour line itself on the 2D map. Again, it's not the same as a histogram but it may be of interest.

Original comment by: rtdog