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Texture update for vines to CC0 #21

Closed sirrobzeroone closed 2 years ago

sirrobzeroone commented 2 years ago

I'll leave this pull request here, understand if these don't end up being used - no stress :)

relates to:

Happy to take feedback.

recreated the vines and rope textures and releasing them under CC0

wsor4035 commented 2 years ago

personally think there a downgrade, and this is trying to address a non issue. if your really trying to make a big deal out of the license, you could make the case that these are derivative works on a few of them

OgelGames commented 2 years ago

IMO some are better, others are worse. Here are screenshots to compare:

screenshot_20220528_145548 screenshot_20220528_145618

S-S-X commented 2 years ago

Looking at OgelGames's screenshots: Rope and vines besides rope are a lot better in my opinion, especially rope. Textures for first 2 vines reading from left are worse mostly because of tiling pattern. Maybe brightness should be adjusted to make 1st from left and first 2 from right a bit darker.

SwissalpS commented 2 years ago

2nd from left was better as it was an overlay to the entire node behind it. The new rope is a lot better. I agree about darkening especially the first one.

sirrobzeroone commented 2 years ago

Just for FYI - I am watching comments once they settle I'll adjust - agree on the tiling pattern on Vine1 hadn't noticed that myself looks pretty bad. V2 I'll have a play around with so it edge to edge tiles as well, both can be darkened very easily. Glad the ropes okay spent way to long trying different pixel patterns before I stumbled on what appeared obvious once I'd done it.....

edit - yes and the legal thing is a point of minor annoyance and if ppl weren't being trolls about the holes in CC it probably wouldnt be a concern.....but only takes one troll to stuff us all up :/

sirrobzeroone commented 2 years ago

Just re-doing those textures and given I've changed no code, I'm noticing the root middle/ends and vine middle/end basically the 2 on the right of the rope. The textures are actually upside down and secondly if you break the bottom root or vine the "end" is then placed upside down. IS anyone else seeing this on latest MT engine 5.5 and latest plantlib/biomelib?


I fairly sure this is a conflict between drawtype = "plantlike" and retaining paramtype2 = "wallmounted" in the node registration for this drawtype as if I just comment that out everything goes right ways up: mt_example_2

The full fix is a little more complex than just commenting out P2 here's a snip of what I think is needed: line 96 start down to to line 119 but line 170 also needs the change

    local drawtype = 'signlike'
    local paramtype2 = "wallmounted"

-- different properties for bottom and side vines.
    if not biome.spawn_on_side then

        selection_box = {
            type = "fixed", fixed = { -0.4, -1/2, -0.4, 0.4, 1/2, 0.4 }

        drawtype = 'plantlike'
        paramtype2 = nil

    minetest.register_node(vine_name_end, {
        description = defs.description,
        walkable = false,
        climbable = true,
        wield_image = vine_image_end,
        drop = {},
        sunlight_propagates = true,
        paramtype = "light",
        paramtype2 = paramtype2,

Be great to confirm if I'm alone with this bug or if its something new since 5.5? maybe my Mt version is one behind......

sirrobzeroone commented 2 years ago

Darkened up the vines a little you can see I left them hanging so long they grew...picys post me doing the quick fix above (I can see the upside down root texture in OgelGames picys as well little green bits should poke up not down)

Let me know if the colors and patterns on V1/V2 are slightly better did any of the others need darkening? Like this screenshot layout way more so I'll use it to replace the screenshot in vines as well - also lowers file size as less busy. screenshot

SwissalpS commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for all the time you put into the ropes. They look a lot better this way. :D