mt1006 / mc-nbtac-mod

Minecraft mod adding suggestions for NBT tags in commands
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
23 stars 1 forks source link

Ensure mod is client-side only, Minor bug fixes #17

Closed Kichura closed 4 months ago

Kichura commented 4 months ago
  1. Marks the mod as client-side only instead of being compatible with both, (When it doesn't work on server-side)
  2. Cleans up the metadata so that it's properly sorted + Doesn't use too many tabs for each section,
  3. Makes gradlew executable instead of having to use chmod first just to run it,
  4. Changes the homepage to modrinth as curseforge is essentially terrible for relevant mod searches.
mt1006 commented 4 months ago

I prefer using braces in new line and tabs instead of spaces, therefore I'll revert changes to the spacing after merging, but thanks anyway.