mt1006 / mc-nbtac-mod

Minecraft mod adding suggestions for NBT tags in commands
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
21 stars 1 forks source link

Update for 1.20.5 components #19

Open AlphaHal0 opened 1 month ago

AlphaHal0 commented 1 month ago

As NBT data has been changed to components, will this be changed to support them? Flags are still not autocompleted.

For example in the new system, to give an enchanted iron sword it would be:

/give @s minecraft:iron_sword[minecraft:enchantments={sharpness:1, unbreaking:3}] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section does not get autofilled

It would be a great help to anyone trying to use these commands.

mt1006 commented 1 month ago

I have plans on adding support for them. I don't know to which extent they'll be required, as there maybe some changes in the next snapshots, but for now I was thinking about:

It will probably take some time to implement all of these, and I won't have much of it until the end of May, so version with support for new item components will be released probably in June at the earliest. I don't know if I'll even have time to port my mods before the end of May to the new version. I personally hope they won't release 1.20.5 and just go straight into releasing 1.21 in the summer.