mt1006 / mc-nbtac-mod

Minecraft mod adding suggestions for NBT tags in commands
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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doesn't suggest tags for @s unless determined by the type argument #6

Open W2D3F1X2 opened 10 months ago

W2D3F1X2 commented 10 months ago

Affected forms of commands: /data get entity @s /execute as @a run data get @s /execute if data entity @s The first two using the other target selectors of players (@a, @p or @r) or a specified type argument can get suggestions, while the last cannot. Minecraft 1.20, Fabric loader 0.14.21, NBTac 1.1.2.

mt1006 commented 10 months ago

I'll try to fix it in the next version, sometime next month I think.

mt1006 commented 7 months ago

Partially fixed, now /execute if data should work properly. As for issue with @s, I know I promised to fix it in a month, but it's not simple to fix, yet rather a small issue. I'll try to fix it sometime in the future.