mtakaki / cachet-url-monitor

URL monitor plugin for
MIT License
124 stars 48 forks source link

Error: No such command when running in Docker #104

Open kking-biometrica opened 4 years ago

kking-biometrica commented 4 years ago

I am unable to generate a config.yml file using the provided tool in the Docker container.

Expected Outcome:

config.yaml generated from an existing Cachet instance when calling

Actual Outcome:

I receive the error Error: No such command "[url]"

Steps to reproduce:

docker pull mtakaki/cachet-url-monitor
docker run -it mtakaki/cachet-url-monitor /bin/sh
python cachet_url_monitor/ [url] [key] ./config/config.yml

help produces the following output:


  --help  Show this message and exit.

Resolution: change line 150 of cachet_url_monitor/ to:

ygwane commented 4 years ago

Same issue but file contains only 148 lines. Which line does you replace ?

kking-biometrica commented 4 years ago

Here's the in my container - it's the last line that calls main. I changed it from calling cli()

#!/usr/bin/env python
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional

import click
import requests
from yaml import dump
from cachet_url_monitor import latency_unit, status, exceptions

def normalize_url(url: str) -> str:
    """If passed url doesn't include schema return it with default one - http."""
    if not url.lower().startswith("http"):
        return f"http://{url}"
    return url

def save_config(config_map, filename: str):
    with open(filename, "w") as file:
        dump(config_map, file)

class CachetClient(object):
    """Utility class to interact with CahetHQ server."""

    url: str
    token: str
    headers: Dict[str, str]

    def __init__(self, url: str, token: str):
        self.url = normalize_url(url)
        self.token = token
        self.headers = {"X-Cachet-Token": token}

    def get_components(self):
        """Retrieves all components registered in cachet-hq"""
        return requests.get(f"{self.url}/components", headers=self.headers).json()["data"]

    def get_metrics(self):
        """Retrieves all metrics registered in cachet-hq"""
        return requests.get(f"{self.url}/metrics", headers=self.headers).json()["data"]

    def generate_config(self):
        components = self.get_components()
        generated_endpoints = [
                "name": component["name"],
                "url": component["link"],
                "method": "GET",
                "timeout": 1,
                "expectation": [{"type": "HTTP_STATUS", "status_range": "200-300", "incident": "MAJOR"}],
                "allowed_fails": 0,
                "frequency": 30,
                "component_id": component["id"],
                "action": ["CREATE_INCIDENT", "UPDATE_STATUS"],
                "public_incidents": True,
            for component in components
            if component["enabled"]
        generated_config = {"cachet": {"api_url": self.url, "token": self.token}, "endpoints": generated_endpoints}
        return generated_config

    def get_default_metric_value(self, metric_id):
        """Returns default value for configured metric."""
        get_metric_request = requests.get(f"{self.url}/metrics/{metric_id}", headers=self.headers)

        if get_metric_request.ok:
            return get_metric_request.json()["data"]["default_value"]
            raise exceptions.MetricNonexistentError(metric_id)

    def get_component_status(self, component_id: int) -> Optional[status.ComponentStatus]:
        """Retrieves the current status of the given component. It will fail if the component does
        not exist or doesn't respond with the expected data.
        :return component status.
        get_status_request = requests.get(f"{self.url}/components/{component_id}", headers=self.headers)

        if get_status_request.ok:
            # The component exists.
            return status.ComponentStatus(int(get_status_request.json()["data"]["status"]))
            raise exceptions.ComponentNonexistentError(component_id)

    def push_status(self, component_id: int, component_status: status.ComponentStatus):
        """Pushes the status of the component to the cachet server.
        params = {"id": component_id, "status": component_status.value}
        return requests.put(f"{self.url}/components/{component_id}", params=params, headers=self.headers)

    def push_metrics(self, metric_id: int, latency_time_unit: str, elapsed_time_in_seconds: int, timestamp: int):
        """Pushes the total amount of seconds the request took to get a response from the URL.
        value = latency_unit.convert_to_unit(latency_time_unit, elapsed_time_in_seconds)
        params = {"id": metric_id, "value": value, "timestamp": timestamp}
        return"{self.url}/metrics/{metric_id}/points", params=params, headers=self.headers)

    def push_incident(
        status_value: status.ComponentStatus,
        is_public_incident: bool,
        component_id: int,
        title: str,
        """If the component status has changed, we create a new incident (if this is the first time it becomes unstable)
        or updates the existing incident once it becomes healthy again.
        if previous_incident_id and status_value == status.ComponentStatus.OPERATIONAL:
            # If the incident already exists, it means it was unhealthy but now it's healthy again, post update
            params = {"status": status.IncidentStatus.FIXED.value, "message": title}

                f"{self.url}/incidents/{previous_incident_id}/updates", params=params, headers=self.headers
        elif not previous_incident_id and status_value != status.ComponentStatus.OPERATIONAL:
            # This is the first time the incident is being created.
            params = {
                "name": title,
                "message": message,
                "status": status.IncidentStatus.INVESTIGATING.value,
                "visible": is_public_incident,
                "component_id": component_id,
                "component_status": status_value.value,
                "notify": True,
            return"{self.url}/incidents", params=params, headers=self.headers)
def cli():

def run_client(url, token, output):
    client = CachetClient(url, token)
    config = client.generate_config()
    save_config(config, output)

if __name__ == "__main__":